Saturday, March 10, 2012

wot power leveling inventory accumulated increase of 145.7 billion. In the last 8 years - ZHG

129742915539375000_329The past two days, in the suburbs of Shanghai poly [US News] in the language of hundreds of square sales office, and comedy as well as staged. Hundreds of old owners held a banner siege sales office, was almost out, and at another point in the sale, developers launched 300 sets of houses of the same period, but was snapped up in line. Developer poly real estate [US News] recently launchedSlashing of preferential measures, make the poly language of Shanghai real estate price levels, within a couple of months time, shrank by $ 30.6 million. Poly also is interpreted by Shanghai property market in the industry, poly price "Jump start" Shanghai property market means that strong. It is understood that this scene occurs not only in Shanghai. New year's day this year so far world of tanks power leveling, poly real estate in the country more than 40 moreJoint large-scale promotional activities in major cities, involving more than more than 100 sale item, a total of 20,000 houses, has also appeared in Wuhan "room" and "dropcatching" coexisting phenomena. In the Sales Office of "joy and anger sorrow" "price boom" as floods swallowed up most of the national property market gap, closely followed by "hit sales office" event played out again, this time the protagonist forPoly real estate and its owners. Netizens Chen, claiming to be a poly Shanghai real estate "drumming flower" in the game, who finally took over the unlucky one. "Unit price 20,000 yuan/sq m to buy stock in July last year two rooms, in just a few months, got the housing had lost $ 400,000. "Xiao Chen said, a price by text message, so that my house slave of time momentsOthers stretch for several years, which makes him very willing. On Saturday, he told NetEase finance claimed that, like he can't stand prices brought against hundreds of poly language old owners, developers are gathered in the sale of the $ statement, was nearly out of control. NetEase finance and subsequently to "buyers" status to the sales office to understand the situation, has been smashed before the sand table of around tenSecurity, and both claim to be "new" sales staff, silent on mother taoyao's old owner, representative of the developer had not turned up. It is understood that the old owners of the rights, was purchased in March last year poly language project, rough housing stock price at that time was 19000-21000 Yuan/square meter, and NetEase finance fromUnderstanding to the new price, upcoming open house includes 84 sqm to 125 sqm two-room and three-room, discount price of 15,000 yuan/square meter. what was intended, the reduction of up to around $ 4,000-6,000 yuan per square meter, close to hit 71 percent-78 percent, total price level by $ 30.6 million. The price but a lotNew buyers are very excited. Live near Xinzhuang Metro small Tang, Xiaowu and his wife has made no secret of his "dropcatching" mentality. Start with them in Xinzhuang had a small apartment houses, xiaotang boys name, because I did not apply for a marriage certificate, Xiaowu cheap or you can buy a set of female students. "Since the old owner to make trouble, poly language sales office is closed, both of us to stay inThis, just as a small Tang only, Xiaowu so that new customers with leading. "The sales officer Xiao Wang said, under pressure from the old owners, poly language Sales Office of a poly team had to shift positions to sister complex of Shanghai [latest news comments on the price type]. Poly leaf language with poly between Shanghai, every five minutes between buses wot power leveling, shuttle-like plate HouseBuyers, and each bus is crowded. "There are promotions, leave the price. "Little King, fancy, would like to buy a House, to pay close attention to the housing, to open when can priority of selected rooms. $ 20,000 to get a room number, or on a row does not. According to his introduction, the total launched 300 sets of houses, numbers have been sold to more than 420 supposedly. "The project can not be fixedSpecific opening hours, may day next week, probably tonight, text messages, such as notifications. "For developers, how to solve the old owners in the sales department to recover a thing, Wang says, this is on top of things, we hard to say," but the owner is asking for compensation and the possibility of checking out is relatively small. "NetEase finance trying to line Song Guangju, Chairman of poly real estate on the matter and polyLanguage Meng Tao, head of sales, each other's phones are always answered. Elaborate discount promotions worth noting is, above declines of around $ 4,000-6,000 yuan per square meter, the poly language equivalent to give buyers a 71 percent-78 percent discount. In accordance with the relevant provisions of Shanghai, the actual sale prices can fluctuate up to 20%,Big discounts on very difficult to approve the border. Shipping [US News] price real estate Department of housing management sales halt is a good precedent. On October 22 last year, Yu Jing Xi in Pudong sea-shore [news type price reviews] launched close to 70 percent of the coupon promotions, raises the old owners dissatisfied with their sea in Shanghai [latest pricesComment] branch containment was packed with, and forced to halt sea real estate in Shanghai about real estate management units of advance registration. "The worry, the extra. "Poly language Sales Department Manager Yang said, this House sent form of decoration: first of all, and a network of partners launched the $ 20,000 price is worth 100,000 dollars of benefits, housing discount price17,000 yuan/sq m, drop no more than 20% world of tanks power leveling, "Customs approval"; in addition, housing standards from a stock upgrade to hardcover, decoration standard in 2000 Yuan/sq m. Such numbers, poly language of this reduction to reach 4,000-6,000 yuan per square meter. And the price of real estate prices plunged directly in different ways, theLi Ye-language of this combination of policy, is clearly down the mind. "This is to avoid too much old owners of expensive housing in the early stimulation and waived because jumping more than 20% again for the record that you want. "Analysis of German real estate Director Lu Qilin said. In fact, quietly making a project banner prices and a few in the near future. According to NetEase understanding of finance, inFrancois czapek, nanxiang, Jiading district, Shanghai Road Bay began offering price banner, the average price of at least 10,500 Yuan/square meter, 14000-15000 Yuan/square meters at the beginning of the decline was worse than the opening is close to 40%. Coincidentally, containment sales office last year due to price cuts and the earlier business owners in the sea of Yu Jing Xian has once again lost my cool. News that the Hai Yu Jing Xian in price again,Currently 87 square meters of housing stock discount price 1.35 million, in other words, at present, the average price is $ 15,500/square meter, reduction of Super 10%. In addition, local developers in Shanghai dahua group multiple real estate sale news. Pushed most of the buildings but the prices for small quantities or late sales mainly cleaning up some of the early position, left poor floor roomThe source. Once launched like the poly language nearly 300 houses, prices slashed almost not. According to this view, poly real estate is the real significance of Dragon in Shanghai property market's first developer of a massive price cut, a sharp price, exactly what its fist project, Shanghai last year new home market sales champion-poly language. Online real estate show, theYu Baoshan Gucun items in transactions last year for a total housing stock of more than 1500 units. Poly also is interpreted by Shanghai property market in the industry, poly price "Jump start" Shanghai property market means that strong. Shanghai centaline property Research Director Song Huiyong that, reflecting the developers on the judgement of the market trend, most likely in preparation for the next market cycle. Mode choke throat propertyRegulation in this scene just happened in Shanghai. New year's day this year so far, poly real estate in more than 40 joint large-scale promotional activities in many major cities throughout the country, involving more than more than 100 sale item, a total of 20,000 houses, opened a prelude to 2012 enterprises took the lead in the room price. Poly real estate explains, this is the poly real estate, the largest in the history of marketing initiatives, this sentimentOther developers to hibernate during the looting "returning customer" requirements, but according to current statistics, but with little, difficult to pull the property market weakness. On February 8, poly real estate announced, in January of this year the company achieved the signing area of 125,000 square metres, down 74.69%; implementation of contract amount $ 1.511 billion, down 69.35%. This was last yearSince the beginning of August, poly real estate sales fell in the area and the amount of sales for 6 months, and decline in January this year reached a maximum value of 6 months. According to the 2011 earnings poly real estate, its operating income and net income to about $ 47 billion and about $ 6.5 billion respectively, up and 31.02%. While still maintainingA relatively high growth rate, but the speed is significantly down, its 2011 growth in operating revenues, operating profit and net profit, fell by 25 per cent, respectively, 7.93. Oriental securities research report view, poly real estate 2011 net profit lower than forecast number about 5%. In fact, as the old single, congenital and acquired advantage is significantLee real estate, also have to face the "most strong regulation in the history of" the difficulties brought about by. In addition to a slowdown in performance, a large operating cash deficits and higher net debt ratio is also today two major constraints of poly real estate. Industry boom in the past decade, poly to a slice, but aggressive style was buried under a curse, especially since the depth regulation in 2010. According to phaseStatistical analysis of closed, poly real estate faster in the past 7-8 years of expansion, where three quarters of 2003, poly real estate accumulated profit of 17 billion, accumulated net operating cash-53.7 billion in the same period, inventory accumulated increase of 145.7 billion. In the last 8 years, poly real estate has totaled $ 100.4 billion of total liabilities. Regulation to enhance, marketTrading volume continued to fall in 2011, poly real estate inventories also increased sharply, its operating cash shortfalls with a huge amount of data, and this data is only at the end of the third quarter of last year had reached $ 6.67 billion. "Face the pressures of cash, poly still continues over the past 8 years of operation mode, rely on external financing to ease the pressure on cash. "Securities analysis says that at the end of 3 quarters of last year, poly net debt to asset ratio is approximately 81%, borrowings and bonds in percentage of total assets amounted to 30%, advance accounts less than 41%. In other words, the poly still borrow money in banks, creditors and customers make money. In addition, poly real estate announced in November last year, has raised to $ 9.6 billion in net issuance planAbortion, under beta strategy Studio model, once 2012 year long cannot be postponed and sales funds cannot be smoothly return, poly real estate would have total assets of 10% financing gap. If your industries unexpectedly long winter, under the support of high turnover growth in highly leveraged high poly property is insurable and secure is a big noNumber known. So it's not hard to determine, such debts and financial pressure, most likely poly faster turnaround and sale of the company is the main factor. In fact, there are many signs that was previously known as "aggressive" Poly, convergence, changes in the market, their adaptation and adjustment. And compared to the same period last year, poly currently is continuing to slow the pace.

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