Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera power leveling Participation in the daily limit unit should be short - SNN

129756542944375000_125Daily limit shows that price trends, strong consecutive daily limit of stocks in particular, short-term to get lucrative returns, but after the jump are also fell, therefore, involved in the daily limit unit, accompanied by higher risks of high income. Through the daily limit unit analysis of the last two years, found that daily limit unit tend to ride the following day chonggao, some statistics, average daily limit high the next day, to 5.92%,This, if after short-term intervention daily limit unit, day after day, the average income is much higher than the yields on the secondary market. How to choose daily limit unit? Participation in the daily limit unit should be short, and you select the cheap, small stocks tera power leveling, these stocks once the daily limit, can often form continued on an upward trend, best between 300.08 billion shares in circulation. After the daily limit, and the market share inContinue elevating is quite difficult. From the timing of intervention, stock daily limit time away from the trend of early the next day the better, if a stock daily limit before the closing, their movements are not the ideal of the next day. Moreover, in most stocks after the daily limit on disk always has a chance to open the daily limit, the best moment of intervention should be a daily limit again. Buy daily limit unit needs to pay attention to the following several points:1, observe market strength, very strong in the market, especially the daily stock daily limit around 5 per cent of cases, bold daily limit. Very weak markets don't keep up with daily limit. 2, better shape prior to the daily limit, such as listing a few days a small arrangement, one day all of a sudden jump started and daily limit of new shares; or selected stocks long term consolidation at the bottom, and there is no sharp rise in the bottom of the unit; End end finishing or finishing the daily limit of strong stocks. 3, can serve tera gold, if found to have more than three digits to the daily limit of advance, immediately gave chase. 4, search up top in a timely manner, close to the stock look up the price of the daily limit, early movement and circulation size, to determine whether it can be used as step in object. When the gains of more than 9% should doGood buy to prepare in case single daily limit and not buy. 5, into the stock on the release of the volume is not too big, usually the day before the 1-2 of times, simple after the date opened half an hour work out. 6, appeal, the entire plate to start tera gold, to catch up with the first leader of the daily limit, and even more so in a bull market or a very strong market. A market downturn is no daily limitUnit, once a strong rally or reverse to catch up with the first daily limit, thereby most probably is the leader of the unit, even bounce much compared with other stocks also. Daily limit sell time shares, may 5th averages go flat or turn to throw the stock or MACD indicator in the Red column shortening or walk normally be thrown immediately. If the second day about 30 minutes and a daily limit of the boldSo, if the next day is not daily limit, rising over time, shares platform adjustment will be immediately thrown or chonggao throws the next day. Into the stock after 3rd do not rise, then be thrown, so as not to delay the aircraft stuck or depth. Note: the good effect of participation in the daily limit in the early start, late is prone to errors. (China Securities network)Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

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