Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling making it from the underground to the ground - KID

129756355820625000_260⊙ This newspaper reported the two associations group 0 edit Song Weiping in the numerous proposals in the motion on the capital markets, private equity fund management has also become hot topics the deputies and Committee members, recent proposals that, strengthen the construction of private equity fund regulatory system without delay. Proposal pointed out that the Fund of private equity (PE) is a mainstream international direct investment tools, The development of private equity funds help to enrich China's capital market, financial support for economic development; it will help improve the financing environment of small and medium enterprises, promoting small and medium enterprises stronger and improve corporate governance, promoting rational readjustment of the industrial structure in China.  After several years of development, China's private equity has become increasingly standardized. Related data and statistics,Has been in the grey State before private stock fund of at least $ 1 trillion or more, the total scale of private equity funds in the capital markets may be in the $ 700 billion to 800 billion world of tanks power leveling, has become a very important investment. Proposal believe that private equity is the future direction for the development of the fund industry. Private equity investment fund, conducive to the development of private equity, andDevelopment of small enterprises, high risk, also have a significant role in the development of capital markets. 2008 and have amended the securities investment fund law it has been 3 years, have been submitted to the national people's Congress for consideration.  Into the regulatory area private equity fund, to the maintenance of healthy development of the stock market is very necessary. This proposal, first of all you want to speed up the securities investment fund lawModify the progress, into the key regulatory areas of private equity, making it from the underground to the ground, through open world of tanks power leveling, legalized and regulated and orderly development of effective regulation to make it. Second is to establish flexible and efficient regulatory system. Pointed out that the proposal, from foreign experience, private fund supervision qualifications of the main regulatory fund sponsors and raising, regulatory issues such as pensionsSpecial investors, but their investment and there is no special constraints. In the case of China's current legal system is not perfect, clear regulatory authorities, is necessary for promoting the healthy development of the industry. The initiation, establishment, operation, and exit of private equity and the functions of the Commission are closely related, the proposal should consider reference to United States experience, establishing the Commission is mainly responsible for authorities toInvestment regulatory system supplemented by development and Reform Commission wot power leveling, Ministry of Commerce, other ministries involved, by the Commission or for comments to be fixed through consultations with other ministries. Third, the perfect exit for private equity fund mechanisms, regional market building, on the basis of the development of the counter, to capital market now lower Agent transfer system, and establish a unified interconnected, distributedModern over-the-counter market in the city. Taking has been listed but is lock counter trade market of equity shares of listed companies on a regular basis.

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