Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 gold telecommunication charges fell for the year 2011 5.5%. Also - HLO

129756711718750000_1141Chang Xiaobing, Chairman of CPPCC, China Unicom said in an interview recently, speed of China's 3G is no slower than the outside, now charges than the 2G of the 3G dropped sharply, consumers cannot endlessly ask telecommunications charges, fall, fall into this industry without capacity-building, bad luck or consumer. "Telecommunications charges have continued to decline in many years",Is indeed one should admit the fact. According to data released by the Ministry, the "Eleven-Five" period, China's telecommunications charges dropped a total of 41.93%, telecommunication charges fell for the year 2011 5.5%. Also diablo 3 gold, in theory, "cannot ask it forever accelerating decline" is not without merit. Problem is, telecommunications charges have fallen below "noCan be reduced "," end ", and the" capacity-building in the industry did not "do? The answer is clearly ' no '. On one hand, realistic charging status view, the current telecommunications charges, no doubt still far not price "end", room for further price reduction and a fair valuation charge is still very wide. According to the national people's Congress investigation on Xia Jien and meterConsidered, in accordance with the existing "is less than 1 minute in 1-minute billing" mobile billing model, "Telecom three major carriers in 2010 totaling $ 876.364 billion in revenue, about $ 113.28 billion increase in revenues is due to billing; each user is charging $ 131.26 per year". The other hand, looking at the relationship between income, currentTelecommunications charges in China clearly is much the future can't go further "limits". Broadband access to the Internet, for example, according to the study published in 2007 by the World Bank, the current price is less than its income level of Internet use in developed countries of 1%, while the proportion of China up to 10%. Calculated according to the average monthly cost per 100Kb/s bandwidth, China's Internet fee is Korea135 times. Telecommunications charges, down to where is the "end", or telecommunications charges, what rules should be based on price, who has the final say? From the point of view of the market economy, there is no absolute number of boundaries, also should not be unilaterally by the telecommunication enterprises has the final say. First of all, according to the rules of the market economy, should be decided by the market competition mechanism to the end – the non-monopoly,Consists of an open market environment, through various telecom operators, game competition for consumers, and ultimately a fully balanced tariff levels of business and consumer interests and, secondly, to avoid the operator "shop big bully" and effective consumer protection, telecommunications price "end" really, apart from the "competition" of the invisible hand, a Government monitoringHands equally indispensable. That is, telecommunications charges dropped "limits" should not have complained complained about from the operators, and can only be fully effective government regulation of market competition and, only "" this "realm", really can't go further "limits" to speak of. In this connection diablo 3 gold, China Mobile Chairman Wang Jianzhou, the views expressed by the other day, perhaps more earnestly to"Welcome private capital into the telecommunications industry, only competition to promote the industry and speed up development. "Unfortunately is, at present China's telecommunications market cannot do two things. Although there are three carriers, but the telecommunications monopolies still exist tera gold, full of free competition in the market has not really formed. Not long ago, China Unicom and China Telecom antitrust investigation by national development and Reform Commission,Development and Reform Commission said that "broadband service accounted for 90% of the two telecommunications companies, has become a monopoly." It is estimated that if we could promote the formulation of effective competition in the market, "can enable Internet access prices 27%~38% the next 5 years, cost savings for the consumer access to the Internet at least $ 10 billion ~150 million"; on the other hand, being a strong single carrier,Government regulation has been a little bit of force. This is also the area of telecommunications charges in recent years have been important reasons for complaints are various provisions of the King hot spots, such as the "Telecom card balance is not refundable", high "monthly", "roaming fee" telecommunication charges, such as complaints. All in all, not a consumer cannot endlessly ask telecommunications charges dropped, but under the telecommunications industry unable to monopoly foreverGo to. (Editors: Song Yuxin)

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