Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling when the stock index in the attack on 2 - MLH

129764786796406250_44Attention to 2300-2350 confidence in supporting effect, market deviations might exist today uplink performance indexes on the whole to shocks. Record with periodic analysis of the observed upward, from the point of view of behavior analysis, indicating that has been part of the strategy of domestic investors to take low. Also reflects the overall confidence in the market today have a moreA day after a modest recovery. This is the concern of investors can currently. Second, the market mood monitor "band sentiment index" now in relatively cold area. Combined with the current overall market confidence has slightly improved the situation analysis in the earlier session, which were predicted to a certain extent, in the last two trading days diablo 3 power leveling, stock index or tend to form small earthquakesRendered more likely. Stage of three-and deviation analysis of confidence is fragile, short-term willingness to follow the approach remains relatively low. (Score from 54 in the early fall slightly to 49 now). Stock performance over the past two weeks, when the stock index in the attack on 2,500 points, did not show any merchant breakthrough occurs, to a certain extent, this makes the wholeMarket sentiment is difficult to further strengthen tera power leveling, thus indirectly affect the overall confidence of the capital market by the early "relatively firm" towards "more time"., in two sessions, event-driven policy summary appears unexpectedly negative cases, this further makes itself a more hesitant, weak market confidence was further combat, resulting in periodicPanic ran away down emotion occurred. The other hand, from a technical analysis perspective, based on the 2,300-point belongs to the entry of large amounts of capital in early positions near the important point of this analysis, and from a technical analysis perspective, this part of the psychology of investors have an important supporting role. Therefore, from the point of view of the expected, IView 23,001 lines, or will attract some technology to send high-volume approach positions of small and medium-sized retail speculators appear. Therefore, combined in later sessions, market confidence could be supported as the stock index in 2300-2350 analysis of this situation, our view is that behind for a few days, for thePart of the main speculation obviously tera power leveling, but may not be shipped complete unit, or in the stage after falling sharply, there will be the possibility of approaching the main force pulling the hood is very large, this is a concern of investors can currently. (Bandung stock) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice�� Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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