Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling especially in the tablet. "However - XBE

129757017017656250_25Forbes: the new iPad will change the online advertising market NetEase tech news on March 8, according to Forbes magazine online edition of commentary released today, by virtue of a clear screen and faster Internet and speed, Apple's new iPad will change the online advertising. Following is the main content article: since two years ago, after the first generation of iPad launch diablo 3 power leveling, advertisers talk about the Tablet as a new advertising platformPotential. They not only want to run banner ads on the Tablet and mobile advertising, also wanted to run the magazine-style content-rich ads and even television ads also consumes a lot of advertising budgets. Tablet content publishing and advertising platform Onswipe CEO jiesen·bapudisite (Jason Baptiste), "plateComputer is a contemporary television, it will print with the perfect combination of exquisite and the size of the network. "But today, advertising revenue from tablet computer is not qiyan, because advertisers still did not meet the vehicle for 112 years ago did not exist. Marketing Evolution marketing analysis company CEO leikesi·buligesi (RexBriggs) says, "due to the lack of standards for print ads and online ads, mobile advertising has not made it should share the advertising budget, especially in the tablet. "However, today the next generation iPad announcement, and will be held on March 16. It has the potential to change the advertising market as a whole. New version with two generations of the iPad before the difference is not very large, Therefore it cannot by virtue of its own force to change the pattern of the new market, at least for now will not. But a few new features of the new iPad is likely to accelerate the development of tablet computer this year advertising and marketing. Better iPad screen size appropriate, consistent with the magazine size, coupled with better than HD-TV after the display, will provide even more ad formatsPossibilities. Suddenly, traditional magazine ads and television commercials for the first time on a computing device becomes attractive. Baptist, Onswipe analysis shows that Tablet PC ads, versions, even magazine ads to improve, their interaction to deliver banner advertising rates of 100 times. Advertisers can run on the iPad and colorfulBrand advertising, it has been not doing on the PC, because on the PC as well through the iPad touch and comfortable. On the PC, you have to open advertising point of view or run on the iPad, you just need to touch or slide out, open ads, experience is the two day difference. In addition, compared to any PC, Tablet PC adsWill allow you to see more ads, because of the different and most of the banner ads, they can usually can be displayed on the page as a whole like a magazine ad. Up to now, advertisers still do not have sufficient possibilities for using Tablet PC ads. Although figures show standards of advertising for readers are very familiar, but this also means that they are ignoring possibilitiesReduced. A survey last year found that people buy after seeing the iPad advertising rates higher than after seeing print advertising 59%. Faster network speed and the new iPad runs faster. The 4G product support network, 1 time times faster its processor. These two points is essential, especially for advertisers are beginning to use the new interactive advertising. Baptist tableAs shown, with faster iPad,Onswipe had recently asked the publishers and advertisers to submit HD versions of the print ads, because now they can run quickly on the iPad, and will not cause problems to the reader. In addition, video advertising will become more feasible, people will not need to wait for them to load, which also provided for the traditional brand marketingMore choice. Mojiva mobile ad networks, General Manager of North America, Tuoni·neizekate (Tony Nethercutt) said, "a lot of advertisers are trying to make the printed version of the ad, touch back to like TV ads for play. "Faster higher bandwidth networks and pave the way for advertisers to provide more interactive advertising. SectionUntil now, I haven't seen anything particularly convincing example diablo 3 power leveling, but that's because advertisers and advertising agencies have yet to adapt rapidly popular tablet. They are not sure what to do only good, so they tightened the Tablet is spending on advertising. Briggs said, "that was a mistake, advertisers should give priority to target the Tablet PC platform. "Old iPAd prices of old and new iPad made Apple could lower iPad pricing. IPad 2 is now starting at just US $ 399, this is attractive to many people than any of the stunning new features tera power leveling, it means that the tablet will fall into the hands of more people. In the end, brands with a huge advertising budget will be aimed at a wider audience. Apple mobileDevice users currently have is amazing, cumulative sales had reached 172 million iOS devices, 2011 sales reached 62 million in the last three months alone. If further accelerated the trend, now it is likely to occur, the tablet will become advertisers can not be ignored the next major advertising medium. (Lebang.NET.CN)

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