Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling discounts and 5.32% - ZTL

129756500984687500_16February 1 acquisition of rich mining industry were terminated after 1 month, the Science City (000975) (000975, closing price before $ 5.12) investors once again usher in a new hope. Company announcement today, jointly xilinguole, Inner Mongolia and Administration Office of geology and mineral resources (Group) company limited (hereinafter referred to as geological in Inner Mongolia)Again involved in Inner Mongolia coal mine tour, the first step is a non-ferrous metal mines in xilinguole stake acquisition work.   News of suspended floor of city investors no doubt, for those in the company before the stock suspension, controlling shareholders and executives of precision low-price intervention, no doubt suspected of insider trading. New partner announcement today by the city,Company China Thailand on March 5, respectively, and geological in xilinguole, Inner Mongolia and administrative office of Beijing signed a cooperation agreement. Under the agreement, INtime, China will take the company as a development platform, and geology of Inner Mongolia investment in zinc smelting, copper smelting project, as well as the second power plant world of tanks power leveling, common to the Government of xilinguole League and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region GovernmentPower plant, mining rights of coal resources and non-ferrous metal resources and jointly strive for the levels of Government support for processing and geological will filter itself has the right to high quality ore in Inner Mongolia, by the joint investment cooperation between the two sides. In addition, according to the notice disclosure, silver taihe geology of Inner Mongolia in China will increase investment in prospecting, prospecting right transfer of mining rights, mining rights of scale of production and at the same time, And geology of Inner Mongolia holding companies in the industry, investment in non-ferrous metal smelting and processing industry, with a view to jointly build a set of prospecting, mining, mineral processing, non-ferrous metal smelting and processing and recycling economy of power plant world of tanks power leveling, owned coal mines in one complex. At the same time, xilinguole League Government in the INtime project, approval of investment projects in China such as links to guidance and help, andWill play an important coordinating role, positive, safe, and efficient cooperation the parties promoting the project.   Above all, from the city on a non-ferrous metal mines in xilinguole League of equity acquisition begins. Precise intervention group Executive City before the suspension of the mine in question starts again, undoubtedly suspended floor in the minds of investors, you know,Not long ago, on February 1, City intended to buy the rich mining industry 100% restructuring ownership of major assets, has only just been terminated.   However it is worth mentioning that, for a restart of the mines involved, in fact, are still traceable. First is on February 1 announcement "asides". The daily economic news reporter noted that on February 1, the copy of the notice of terminationThe end, the company had "will be established by the Board of management and development strategies and plans, find suitable investment opportunities in the field of mineral resources, and strive to create conditions, actively promote the restructuring, achieve business transformation", the mine in question is determined to fully exposed. Notice is also terminated a significant asset restructuring announcements of listed companies and other different, is that companies do not give a similar "not3 months no longer planning "of the closed period. The second was in September last year, rich mining industry when major reorganization of assets has not yet been forthcoming, the company has "can scarcely wait" and Hainan Tai Seng investment management limited, a venture jointly in Urumqi investment INtime shengda high-tech development zone, mining investment and development limited liability company. NewCompany registered capital of 100 million Yuan, which funded company with $ 51 million in cash, 51% per cent of registered capital.   To know Yueyang of rich mining industry, and a new company was in Xinjiang, which give people the feeling of making it in mining plan of the city is not only a rich mining industry. Finally, is the sudden intervention of this business for controlling shareholder Executive on the eve of "weird"Move. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to trade large blocks of data, INtime, China on January 4 to $ 4.45/unit price reduction of city of 11 million shares on January 9 to $ 3.93/city to decrease the price of of 10.83 million units, discounts and 5.32%, respectively, since the city on January 17 suspended after. According to the company at that time on media representation of theAnd the stake as an incentive measure, has been held by the silver Thai executives in China, to raise the level of corporate governance, promoting company development speed. But from now on, China's reduction of Thailand, is more of an insider wot power leveling, and they rely on, perhaps today disclosed new programmes in question.

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