Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold FacebOok average users 4 4 access up to 20 minutes. From the user's gender - QVQ

129732029234690000_154SINA technology hearing on February 7 message, market research firm Hitwise (micro-blogging) today announced the ten key statistics for Facebook.  According to the United States, one person every 11 access to access Facebook, its getting a 20% page views throughout the United States. Here are ten FacebookKey statistics: 1 1. In the United States, one every 11 access is to visit the Facebook site. 2-2. In the United States, one every 5 page views are coming from Facebook, that Facebook accounted for 20% page views throughout the United States. 3-3. On site stickiness, FacebOok average users 4 4 access up to 20 minutes. From the user's gender, female too many Facebook users diablo 3 gold, 57%. 5-5. Age distribution of Facebook visitors and United States Internet users age distribution is similar to user groups concentrated in the 25-34 age age and both age groups.6-6. Across the United States Internet users and other social income distribution site, high-income users Facebook accounts for more than the minimum. Nevertheless, with Facebook a huge user base, top user groups during this time contributed 499,949,430 visits to Facebook. Maximum income user groups for YoutUbe and Twitter contribution respectively 223,732.591 and 15,166,795 visits. 7-7. Facebook on March 9, 2010 be the first site visits throughout the United States Web site. 8-8. Search the word "Facebook" is a Word with the highest search volume across the United States; "FacebooK "related search term accounts for 14% of all search terms throughout the United States. 9-9. Possesses a very high loyalty of Facebook users, to January 2012 data, for example, return users of Facebook 96%. 10-10. In other countries and regions, with the exception of China, Facebook is in the country or region websiteRanking of top two Chinese social networking site by SINA, Baidu know and renren (micro-blogging) dominated. Facebook in Canada share less than the maximum amount of access, to a Canada-wide network access share 12%. Facebook recently visited in Brazil has just surpassed the Orkut share become the visit after GoogleBrazil's Web site. Others:

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