Friday, March 30, 2012

swtor credits and and scene guests forest finishing group operatorsChorus - KXM

129773438720312500_448Since the bomb since March 25, 2012, Hu Xia Taipei concert was successfully held the let me love you, fans, and Hu Xia chorus until exhausted from effort from beginning to end, or even cry on each other's shoulder in a concert in Taiwan at the end. Hu Xia singing up to 15 songs on stage for the first time, challenge personal performance limits. Hu solo summer scene of the let me love youUnder, and love summer under, and I of wrong under swtor credits, and love are is on of under, and ignite under, and prepared also to love under, and kiss goodbye under, and sad fairy tale under swtor credits, and reluctantly under, and on piano be reluctant love under, and those years under and double sing Suite heart under, and dream one under, and unfortunately not you under, and for you I by cold air blow under, and and scene guests forest finishing group operatorsChorus, Tai, ailing respectively in the sea of people you meet, the Convention. In concert during the summer friends Hu Bao Weiming come join in on the power drink, Hu Xia added strength. Originally developed for personal anxiety of first concert of summer, said after the end of the concert: their very heady, did not expect the 15 song so sing out so soon, the next time you open sing sing again 15No problem in the capital. In this concert, have sung Hu Xia's new album songs reached as much as 6. Thought only old song chorus above scenes of summer, even the new songs were familiar chorus of fans moving mess. In addition to Taiwan fans, the Mainland and overseas fans came to support tera power leveling, and beyond the fans on the massive flower basket support.(Editor: Liu Xiaojing) Others:

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