Monday, December 26, 2011

to join in the great practice of the people who create history

129667716777177892_22LI YUAN PENG was elected Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Sun Jiazheng re-election LI YUAN PENG (information below). NetEase entertainment on November 26 (text/Xiao Yi on) according to the Xinhua News Agency, China Federation of literary and art circles the Nineth eighth national Congress of the National Congress the old republic power leveling, the Chinese Writers Association ended in Beijing yesterday. Meeting separately elected Federation, writers ' Association new leading bodies, Sun Jiazheng re-elected Chairman of the China Federation, tie Ning's second term China writer AssociationThe Chairman. LI YUAN PENG, 21 were elected Vice Chairman of the China Federation, 14 people such as Mo Yan was elected Vice Chairman of the Chinese writers ' Association. China Federation of Nineth National Congress examined and approved the Zhao Shi China Federation Congress report on the work of the National Committee for, amendment of the Constitution of China Federation of literary and art circles, elected the China Federation of literary and art circles the new session ledGuide Agency. Sun Jiazheng said at the closing ceremony, national artists will not live up to the kind attention and a high degree of trust of the party and Government, would be even more involved with creation, hard work, dedication to the people better and more literary and artistic works. Eighth National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association approved Li Bing on behalf of the Chinese writers ' Association report on the work of the seventh National Committee for, amendment of theChinese writers ' Association Constitution, elected the new leading body of the Chinese Writers Association. Tie Ning said at the closing ceremony swtor power leveling, literature worker will continue to work with people we love, to join in the great practice of the people who create history, in the people's art creations in the creation of people, for even more exquisite masterpieces. I believe more with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, Chinese style and outstanding workWill continue to emerge.

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