Tuesday, December 27, 2011

chose striker Morris of the University of Kansas

129668763052500000_55US media: Mike winning pressure on Haier teach rocket or end NetEase sports reported on November 27: FOX Sports News, NBA halt came to an end, for the new rockets coach maikehaier also means that he has officially started team to begin working for the new season. 67,941 in the NBA before the halt, the rockets simply announced its Haier becomes the new head coach Mike, excited is long gone now. ShangRocket victory over the 50% of the season, but now are extension of some young players in their team. In theory, this is Mike Haier's special skill, extension because he himself was born. However, the rockets lineup is very strange that looks except for striker is swinging people, they still took to the road on the pick of this year the General Assembly, chose striker Morris of the University of Kansas, there are 7 feetExtension of motaiyounasi. Faced with such a line-up of Mike Hale what can be done? This is not to say that the lack of talent, even without Yao, rockets still have a lineup full of offensive ability the old republic power leveling, in the striker position they have potential, Mike Haier has a lot of work to do, but now the problem is, he must quickly because time is pressing. FireArrows in this year's first-round rookie Morris in College is basic at basket attacks only occasionally play in the flanks. Therefore, many people in his question, doubted whether Morris was able to play small forward. Morris has some ball control ability, shooting touch, and the passing of instinct, although his defense in the NBA might have been in trouble, in counterpoint, Morris in the past tend toIs a relatively slow forward. Motaiyounasi today is in reality being traded, also controlled Wei Fulin. In a sense, he is Yao's replacement, but weigh only 222 pounds of motaiyounasi, so it's hard to believe he can take the place of Yao Ming in the inner sense of existence. Although the rockets hope he can give them a shooting threat Center location�� This is Mike Haier two case, maikehaier in this fall season there are still many problems to solve. A new coach, to find out how to take advantage of these new players who value, find out where they should play. Maikehaier is a very successful player, his success that he has been coaching and management exhibitionOpportunity, however, it's maikehaier 3rd when head coach, which means that there may be his last chance. Two wolves in the forest, Mike Haier been fairly successful in relative significance only. It looks like he has doubled development team, but in fact there is no improvement on the record, only changes between the poor and less bad. Rockets were different, and fireArrow is a has history of the championship team star wars the old republic power leveling, and lately have been playoff experience last season also was pleased as 50% General game performance, so that, Mike Hale's job is to bring victory, at least people are such a section of his task, and is about to bring victory.

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