Sunday, December 25, 2011

one's own team scoring scenes

129668763190312500_349Bundesliga 14th round the Centre of gravity: depressed state, Bremen, retaining the old revenge Bremen battle in Stuttgart's game, a few years ago might have been thought to be between Pizarro and the cards take the South Americans, but Pizarro's sudden injuries and textual research on the card status drop, has evolved into anaotuoweiqi and Haneke of Austria Derby. There is no doubt that States are better Nick than are in the city with the downturn of anaotuoweiqi is much more credible. Born in 1987, NickBianaotuoweiqi famous earlier. However, both enjoy success when young, Haneke in Bremen has not play playing, hesitation is also a problem at that location. When you rent Dusseldorf, height 1.85 m, he played Center, into the ball. Bremen can only be unworthy of the honour but returned as midfielder, with stars such as Diego competition, so don't get reused was forced to leave. Join StugaAfter the special, Haneke is fixed in the winger position, was stunning. Labadia think Haneke is an integral part of the tactics system. It is worth mentioning is that Nick is about 11 km to runs per game, and an average of 26 times per game blast, Nick's incomplete pass rate was 31.7%, which go well beyond the competition. Born in 1989 anaotuoweiqi in Twente fame, inter gold, but playing in Bremen it is floating the old republic power leveling, now worse than compatriots have a one-, still many OTC news. At the Club when you need him, but lifted up. Bremen upper whorl of 5 ball defeated, the team rebounded as soon as possible after such a badly in recent years has been the lack of courage. Bremen in recent years there have been 6 sheetsOpen big swtor power leveling, one's own team scoring scenes, then competition only a 4-2 defeat, is basically a draw lick wounds, his crime was invincible. (Zhu Jinwei) NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint!

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