Monday, December 26, 2011


129614871130468750_866"Agence France-Presse, September 23, New York" Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that Iran is working with Russia to negotiate, discuss Iran second nuclear matters. He said at a press conference: "currently under way with Russia in respect of providing dialogue the nuclear power plant. "He described the current claimOn the "very general". Western countries accuse Iran trying to develop nuclear weapons.  Because Iran has been rejected by the international community requirements for terminating its uranium enrichment activities, the United Nations has 4 rounds of sanctions on its. Last century 90 's, Russia from Germany took over the construction of Iran's first nuclearPower station.  This month, the plant grid system for the first time. In front of the UN General Assembly speech the old republic power leveling, Ahmadinejad said that if the West to Iran to provide low-enriched uranium, then Iran will stop the production of such material.  Low-enriched uranium can be raw materials for making nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad yesterday on the New York Times reporterSays: "if they enriched uranium concentration of 20% to us this week, then we will stop this week in concentrations up to 20% of domestic production of enriched uranium. We only want concentration of 20% of the enriched uranium used for domestic consumption. "This position description, Ahmadinejad is trying to restore the International Atomic Energy AgencyReached under the good offices of Exchange fuel.  "Agence France-Presse, September 23, New York" Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today to NATO Navy as security threats, asking them to withdraw from the Bay area. When asked at a press conference in the Gulf erupted when the possibility of a conflict, Ahmadinejad said "anything can prevent conflicts or potentialConflict means would be welcome. I see no need of confrontation.  "This was his last, held in New York for the annual United Nations General Assembly during a press conference. Ahmadinejad said: "However swtor power leveling, I believe that the best long-term solution to this problem is for foreign troops to leave the Persian Gulf. Persian Gulf does not needNATO troops there. "The United States and Europe in recent years of the Navy to strengthen presence in the Gulf. United States in Bahrain had a naval base, France in 2009 in the distance from Iran Abu Dhabi, of less than 250 km of coastline has established a base. Share: Welcome to comment I want to comment

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