Sunday, December 18, 2011

and so on. It is reported that the planning included development and development environment

129667634780146642_11Cement industry Twelve-Five plan released to promote the merger and reorganization Journalists 25th was informed that the cement industry "Twelve-Five" development plan has been recently released. The plans put forward vigorously promoting industry mergers, "Twelve-Five" eliminate backward production capacity of 250 million tonnes during; strive to 2015, cement industry, top 10 production and concentration of more than 35%. This reporter learned that, "Twelve-Five" period, the Ministry, two in development and Reform CommissionCement conglomerates of major ministries will continue to support the merger, and enact policies cause. Include raising trade barriers, access to rigorous industry restructuring swtor power leveling, merger and acquisition management, support for large enterprise groups and stronger regional group, and so on. It is reported that the planning included development and development environment, guiding ideology, basic principles and main objectives and development priorities, with a focus onCheng, six parts such as safeguards, is designed to guide "Twelve-Five" cement industry accelerate transformation of the mode of development, vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, mergers and restructuring, eliminate backward and technological progress, improve the quality and efficiency of development of the cement industry, promote the transformation and upgrade of the cement industry. This reporter learned that, "Twelve-Five" period, the Ministry, two major ministries will continue to support the development and Reform Commission cement conglomeratesMerger, and enact policies cause. Include raising trade barriers, access to rigorous industry restructuring, merger and acquisition management, support for large enterprise groups and stronger regional group, and so on. According to the plans, development of the industry's main objectives are: by 2015, the cement enterprises above designated size industrial production grew by more than 10%; backward cement production capacity of 2.500 million tonnes; main pollutant to achieve up to standard, and co-processing visible progress, co-processing line at 10%; 20% improvement in comprehensive utilization of waste amount; percentage consumption over 42.5 and aim for above 50%; top 10 enterprise production and concentration of 35% or more. Director of Ministry of industrial policy division industrial organization Yuan Kelan has pointed out that"Eleven-Five" basically completed in China cement industry capacity during layout, new dry far exceeds the original objectives, but also created problems of overcapacity, in this case, the State has promulgated a series of policies, to some extent restrict new production line. Yuan Kelan says, "Twelve-Five" during the development of cement industry will move towards a more rational, regional integrationIs destined to be the next step forward in the direction. At present, large regional controlling capacity improved remarkably, regional integration in early models, but in the "Twelve-Five" period, the cement industry top 10 output accounted for throughout the industry for more than 35% still a very difficult task. In addition, it is worth mentioning that after building materials Federation head had told reporters, Central and Western regions is the waterNAI industry "Twelve-Five" development, according to market demands, on the premise of the merger and reorganization, construction of new lines and eliminate backward integration, capacity expansion and increased concentration of simultaneously. Head of China Cement Association had expected cement demand will remain high growth this year, driven by annual cement output will exceed 2 billion tons. This reporter learned that swtor credits, current industryTop 10 preemptive than in 25%, this means that merger and reorganization of the cement industry in the coming years will involve at least 200 million tonnes of production capacity, the merger and reorganization of still have to have big, top 10 strong enterprises will become the largest beneficiaries.

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