Saturday, December 3, 2011

Strengthen its binding capacity. ����In accordance with the rules of the WTO

129667837373584142_170One of the BRIC countries Brazil, "exchange rate of anti-dumping" proposal was an authoritative response. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Pascal Lamy on November 24, said in an exclusive interview with this reporter, currently have yet to find any indication that discussions of Member States on the exchange rate will lead to a new WTO rules or the emergence of a new mechanism.After the Wall Street Journal reported on November 16, Brazil proposed to examine whether the rules of international trade can be used to punish currency manipulation by Governments, WTO 153 Member States have agreed, decided to meet to discuss the topic, may in the first half of next year. Reliable sources informed reporter 24th from WTO, Brazil proposed the meetingWould be a "seminar diablo 3 power leveling, seminar with participation of scholars". This also means that, at present this only at the discussion stage, power is given to WTO for punitive measures the distance is still far. ����The seminar is likely to be carried out in March next year. In the current WTO rules, the 15th, only, on the exchange rate provided that Member States prohibited by meetingRate actions, failure to comply with provisions in WTO agreements. This means that the Member States there are two types of action possible on exchange rate issues: one is to use the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, an action of another Member State's currency policy. ����Lamy confirmed that "currently had never seen a legal case". The second way is to renegotiate the 15th diablo 3 gold,,Strengthen its binding capacity. ����In accordance with the rules of the WTO, reopen negotiations, as well as the results of the negotiations, are in need of 153 Member States agreed to make. Mr Lamy also told reporters that: "for now, I did not find any signs of Member States have a common will to the renegotiation of the terms. "This matter comes from the Brazil trade and industryPimentel, Minister, on November 14, attending the Conference of the Federation of Latin American iron and steel industry position. ����Pimentel said that Brazil had made recommendations on the currency issue to the WTO. Brazil suggested that IMF or other international organizations to work out acceptable to all parties "currency fluctuations". If a country's exchange rate adjustment exceeds the "rate of currency fluctuations"Other countries have the right to increase import tariffs on additional measures, to compensate trading losses caused by currency. ����This proposal has also been known as "currency of anti-dumping" mechanism. The same day, the Chinese Ambassador to Brazil for business websites, one of Brazil industrial competitiveness decline messages. According to the United Nations Industrial Development Department information, over the past 10 years, although BrazilIndustry grew, but lost its competitive advantage in China and other countries. ����During 2000, Brazil in emerging countries the share of industry fell from 8% to 5.4%. The Wall Street Journal said on 15th Brazil on RMB's exchange rate policy was "angry" on the grounds that the RMB undervalued has seriously damaged the Brazil's industrial, but doorsKathleen Battle said the proposal was not aimed at China. ����The aforementioned reliable informed sources also said that WTO, in addition to its currency, Brazil to the United States are also dissatisfied with the exchange rate policy. Some analysts believe that, Brazil's move could be a new place to make the WTO a currency dispute. Mr Lamy told Ming Pao made it clear that: "the currency issues mainly dealt with by the International Monetary Fund, rather than the WTO. ��

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