Saturday, December 3, 2011

" the next 1-3 of months in the absence of significant new bad cases

129667889730146642_328This week on market trend of yin and Yang staggered, slowly moved down the center of gravity, the Shanghai composite index fluctuations of no more than 50 points in a week, $ 247.9 billion turnover further shrank to freezing.  Excluding turnover statistics, mid-autumn week of the Spring Festival this year, turnover was the smallest since this year the week this week. "Adjust when necking, which shows early rebound when fundsIs to uphold the original idea, thought that this is the bottom area, there is no phenomenon of mass evacuation. "Guangdong Sheng Ze investment management Chief Investment Officer Li Shiyu business news of the financial literacy reporter recently said in an interview. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stockSaved! As of Friday, the Shanghai composite index closed 2,380, 36 points lower than last week, or 1.5%; szse Chengzhi close 9,886, 139 points lower than last week, or 1.39%; IF1112 main CSI 300 index futures contracts closed 2,573, down 44 points, or 1.71%, positions for 37,096Hand, reduced 1618 hands last week. Adjustment due to fundamentals do not support for adjustment after the recent stock market rebound, Societe Generale global fund investment director Wang Xiaoming said: "the early rally was mainly due to market liquidity relative relax, but expectations of future liquidity situation is difficult to judge. Overall maintenance of a sound monetary policy, monetary policy to fine-tune the process is gradual(Such as a directional reserve ratio adjustment and transition to credit easing), is a slow process, it is difficult to support the stock market short-term sharp rebound. "Besides Wang Xiaoming also believes that stocks lack of fundamental support. Listed company profit margins since the second quarter slowdown in growth this year, third-quarter performance is obvious, is expected to occur in the first quarter growth in profit margins next year lowsTherefore, the market early next year is unlikely to end the year, next year there will be no greater overall opportunities, better rebounding or first visible in 2013.  There are many market participants believe that chaodie after the rebound in place, there is no further positive follow up, and external market volatility is more than, is the main reason for the recent market adjustment. Most recognized is the bottom regionInflation in a significant fall before, there may continue to fine-tune monetary policy. As the new year of credit, the liquidity of the market will gradually get better. Li Shiyu said, "the early short kinetic energy has been released, this points to the market's decline has kinetic energy has been failure, here is the bottom area, is a technical secondary adjustments, as long as in the case of no record low, I can't recognizeFor the scope of acceptable. "Li Shiyu think of this as washing. "If suddenly went to the line, then this market really finished, now one step forward two steps back, and then run two steps forward, this is a good thing. "Li Shiyu said:" the next 1-3 of months in the absence of significant new bad cases, the market cannot be penetrated2,307 hit a new low point. "Beijing source music rising asset management, Marketing Director, Hu Yifan is waiting for the next year the" two sessions "of the tone, 50% position source Le Sheng operation idea is based on the message of change in the near future, take a step back. Yifan Hu said: "recent foreign contingency of many uncontrollable factors, if you do not see a Black Swan event, this is the bottomRegion down space will not be great, the market should be able to stabilize here. "But he added that the" two sessions "tone market is not necessarily up, because even if the tone was positive, it is also possible short-term stimulus. Because our country is now in the process of General, the tone to implementation may take some time, so after positive cash, may still be rest。 According to Galaxy securities chief strategist Sun Jianbo judgment, in terms of time, adjustments will not exceed two months.  View from space, 2200~2400 point is the bottom area swtor credits, 2,307 points below are possible, but multiple consecutive days below 2,307 points are effectively impossible. Nanjing Siu Yi, General Manager of investment was spooking the recent private nor howOperations, he also believes that the current circumstances of 2,307 points is not broken, future directions was too optimistic, and to cover the early jump vacancy problem is small. Layout policy June MA to the end of nearly three years to the end of the spring festival market statistics, during this period usually had three plate works quite well: agricultural, home appliances stocks and tourism sectors.Agricultural sector optimistic about is because each year the 1th, associated with agriculture. Household appliances sector is benefiting from home appliances to the countryside before policies, because policy is over, now adjusted more.  Tourism sector because of the Spring Festival is the high season. Early promising hot culture and media sector, June Ma no longer promising. He believes the hype stocks are good only for subject matter not suitable for long term strategic investment。 Li Shiyu recommendation concerns nuclear power sector, after a sharp correction, the current problem is unlikely to, and consistent with the future direction of economic structural adjustment and development of new industries.  In addition he is also optimistic about environmental protection, these new energy sector's opportunities for development. Yifan Hu is preferred stock of the achievements, achievements in stock most of consumer stocks, this sector's strong defense, like winePerformance support is strong. For emerging industries, Yifan Hu said: "it subdivision is not particularly identifying, these industries have changed a lot, to many companies such as Apple's future development prospects of impact is more significant. "Sun Jianbo proposal followed the direction of the economy, from the perspective of future changes in economic structure, import substitution to select stocks. Past community does not focus on consumption in China, With the gradual expansion of middle class, Volkswagen branded consumer goods should investors care. According to Wang Xiaoming two investment strategies: one is to do configure absolute gains a steady growth industry swtor power leveling, such as the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverages, wine, clothing, such as, but this policy cannot expect too much; the other strategy is to focus on macro-policy change, ifMacro-policy adjustments next year, investors can focus on performance of cyclical industries. If regulatory policies eased on real estate, (appear more stable prices, trading volume amplification phenomenon), real estate stocks will have greater bounce.

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