Thursday, December 15, 2011

" Central Bank net return after 3 consecutive weeks in the open market

129668688759375000_35Fine tuning of monetary policy, lending is naturally the Vanguards. According to the Bank's data, in four cases, 10 months before the new credit of $ 2,242,550,000,000, and contrast four all new standards developed by the beginning of lines, the last two months of the new credit line only to some $ 470 billion. Many bankers surveyed admits that lending is a two-way monitoring, not only by theScale control of the Central Bank, also from the CBRC loan than 75% red line limit. Even intends to ease liquidity on a policy level, in real difficulty level or keep. Banks are in a dilemma, under Central Bank "credit to fine-tune" policies of pressure, but are subject to their own money to make ends meet; side to comply with the banking regulator "loan than the red line" rules, deposit area and keep movingQuandary, Chinese lunar year is approaching, how difficult the Bank will be how to deal with this situation? Four lines of credit line 470 billion left "began in late October, four rows of new credit started to surge, emergent signs of loosening credit gate", "in the context of monetary policy to fine-tune, the whole year is expected at about $ 7.5 trillion in new loans", "and 11 new credit or will be reachedTo the $ 700 billion "," Central Bank net return after 3 consecutive weeks in the open market, net for the first time put "sth Loose credit ever seen signals of the media, "fine-tuning" adjustments into four quarter credit sensitive words. The problem is that despite repeated hints from regulators "fine" swtor power leveling, a joint-stock Bank will convey that in the third quarter was: "allowed on regulation indexes of qualifiedOn the basis of reasonable extent appropriate to relax their lending. "But in the eyes of bankers, this is just the difference of relaxed, not all banks all opened. As early as March reporter was informed that the 2011 loans increased respectively to four rows: ICBC 880 billion yuan, the China Construction Bank $ 750 billion, $ 620 billion, the agriculture Bank, Bank of $ 600 billion. Of whichICBC, CCB branch arrangement set to below $ 820 billion, $ 680 billion. According to the Bank's data, in four cases, 10 months before the new credit 2,242,550,000,000, the last two months of four new lines of credit of about $ 470 billion left of the line. Seen from the above data, the State-owned banks are put on the schedule and set at the beginning ofAdded line to match. "In fact is not a large number of open lines of credit at the end. "China Construction Bank Beijing branch subordinate branch of the credit Department official told reporters. After the news that, in November, workers, farmers, and built the big four banks did not extend the radical trend in late October, 20 days ago, only about $ 100 billion in new loans. But banks in the last two monthsIs not without its willingness to lend: on the one hand, increased after the launch, in favour of bigger next year base, securing greater space for next year by structural adjustment; on the other hand, loans banks maintaining customer relationships is an important channel, as long as customer demand, the Bank will also seek to support. "The problem is that now a bad bank money. "These people confessed. Saving single month 4500 how bad money? Head of banks surveyed almost spontaneously ask our reporter road, on the one hand are subject to loan ratio assessment, "banks even wanted to relax credit, the flesh is weak. "Industrial and commercial bank, said members of the credit Department approval. At the end of September this year, Bank and Societe Generale, Bank, merchants, and people's livelihood 5 bank loan ratio in excess of 75% supervisionThe red line, while other joint-stock Bank loan ratio in excess of 70%. According to CBRC set of differentiated regulatory objectives, industrial and commercial bank and China Construction Bank-loan ratio of the target value and 62%, respectively, and both were over, and that of trigger and 65%, respectively, once they reach the trigger value, will be subject to monitoring alerts. China Construction Bank as at the end of the third quarter, new depositsOnly more than 660 billion yuan, more than 10 billion yuan less than the new loans. The other is the Bank faced a "deposit moving". Reporter under the Central Bank reported a rough calculation, in four cases, only personal renminbi deposit, at the end of October than in September decreased by $ 488.76 billion. Data show that since July, saving move has become the norm. In July moreReduce the $ 450.799 billion last month, decrease of August. Overall, according to Central Bank statistics data show that October personal deposits falling 727.2 billion yuan. From a banking perspective, the first three quarters, Renminbi deposits in the banking sector incremental-by-quarter decline: first-quarter growth of 3.98 trillion yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 3.36 trillionYuan, only 770 billion yuan in the third quarter. While the first three quarters, Renminbi deposits only increase 8.11 trillion yuan, up less 2.09 trillion yuan. Dilemma of marketization of interest rates at this point, month-end, quarter-loan than examination are deposits growing war; deposit removal is highlighting the banks ' liquidity pressure, forcing the Bank and no money to lend. In this way, reciprocatingCycle, what are the causes? Its root cause is simple, it is renminbi deposit rate cap regulation. Prior to this, project group of PBC Secretary Cheng Songcheng survey statistics and suggest that the monetary authorities further lending rate floating range of lower limit. Path is: first, the relaxation of loan interest rates lower. Loan interest rates may be lower by 0.9 times the relaxation current benchmark lending rate toOf 0.8 times. Autonomous pricing space expands financial institutions on the one hand, on the other hand also prevent interest rate limits too low could cause irrational competition risk. Second, simplifying the loan interest rate level. By combining the loan interest rate level, and gradually relax controls on lending rates. But Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan have expressed concern in public. In his view, the financial crisis swtor credits, some financialBodies in the event of problems, often through high interest rates put storage or some higher-yielding products access to financial resources, to cover up the balance sheet problems, hopes that the future have the opportunity to have sustained breath. How do I prevent agency in desperation, is to advance the process of interest rate marketization in the problem. However, Zhou xiaochuan also said that financial restructuring and reform of commercial banks obtained-orderAfter the results, select some financial hard constraints laid the Foundation for financial institutions to promote market-oriented interest rate. (. China.. time.)

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