Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling once the Government's financial problems - UXZ

129762943210156250_119Investment Manager: pengze survey of nuclear power plants do not have to buy off people And a "3·11". Japan Fukushima after the first anniversary of the accident, both Japan tera gold, still the rest of the world tera power leveling, nuclear power still further reflection. For China, address the long term energy demand and higher security requirements between choice, development of nuclear power is still around but the topic. In this regard, the business news reporter, Member of the National Committee of the CPPCCChina Power Investment Corporation, General Manager Lu Qizhou. First business news: this year was Japan first anniversary of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power accident, recalls this incident now, what are you feeling? Lu Qizhou: March 11, Japan Fukushima had a serious nuclear accident occurred, has led us to engage in nuclear power industry are beginning to re-examine nuclear power industry. First look at askQuestion is the safety of nuclear power. Nuclear power is itself a result of technical progress, because nuclear power was a near zero-emissions clean energy. But nuclear power once after the accident happened, the consequences are very serious. How can nuclear power at the same time do a better job security? How such accidents can occur in Fukushima risks when close to zero? This is China's nuclear power people need to think aboutFirst question. In fact, after the Fukushima incident, including the United States, and France, and Japan, and Russia all countries with nuclear power on its own, such as nuclear power has been reviewed. Also carried out inspections of nuclear power in China, focus went under construction and in the transport of nuclear power generating units can be effective security assurances, if there is a problem to solve. Second look at questions like ISuch energy-consuming nations need to develop nuclear power. Although we have different thoughts on the result, but at least we get the energy industry who believe that China's development of nuclear power is to protect the inevitable choice of China's security of energy supply. As Premier Wen Jiabao in the Government work report this year as put forward in, safe and efficient development of nuclear power. News: current nuclear inspections have been completedDo you think China will restart nuclear approval? Lu Qizhou: now that the nuclear inspections are completed, development of nuclear power in the nuclear security plan and the medium-and long-term adjustment plans have been submitted to the State Council, at least judging from these two points, I personally think may restart nuclear power for approval this year. Nuclear power as Premier Wen Jiabao said of safe and efficient development. But not able toNuclear power the great leap forward. News: so you estimate for planning in the development of nuclear power by 2020 China will reach the number? Lu Qizhou: on two plans have not, I do not know the final outcome. I think "Eleven-Five" during the scale of China's nuclear power development has 40 million-kilowatt about "Twelve-Five" always continue to build between 20 million and 300-kilowatt size. So, I estimate that by 2020, China's nuclear power development limits in the 60 million-kilowatt around, upper left should be on the. Daily: inland nuclear power development has been controversial and constantly, particularly its security was not comfortable with the public by some, how do you see the development of inland nuclear power? Lu Qizhou: on nuclear securityAnd safety of coastal and inland nuclear power nuclear power is the same. Both are national standards or international standards, for coastal and inland nuclear power nuclear power also has the same high nuclear safety requirements. Existing nuclear power plants that run on the vast majority of the world is inland nuclear power station. For example, United States, and Russia, and France, the overwhelming majority of States is true. Nuclear power is concentrated in coastal areas in Japan, this is the dayAs decided by the special geographic environment of the island. If the event of an accident such as Fukushima, coastal and inland nuclear power nuclear power of the cause, the effect is almost the same. Is not to say that the inland coastal nuclear power accident severity ratio. At the same time, features, population density is much greater than the inland of the coast, if I'm afraid than a nuclear accident occurred along the coast inland nuclear accidentsSerious effects of some. Development of nuclear power, key issues to see if needed. First coastal nuclear power development in China tera power leveling, not because the coastal nuclear power to nuclear safety requirements lower than inland nuclear power, but because the coast is developed area in China, demand for electricity is relatively high. Address coastal power, or large-scale coal or mass transmission. But nuclear power does not existIn this issue. Development of coastal nuclear power from the electricity market choices need to be made. Similarly, when inland nuclear power development, also depends on whether you need. News: recent opinion on the recent pengze nuclear disputes are concerned about high. CLP investment group as investor of the pengze nuclear power nuclear power in this landlocked, can disclose the progress of pengze County nuclear power? Lu Qizhou: pengze County nuclear powerIn the plan, only to do some preparatory work, there is no start. I think, for nuclear power, one of the major problems affecting the people's livelihood, have different ideas, different sounds are normal. Do not let people say? But I am against malicious speculation and accusations of injustice, not objective. Online some say in pengze County nuclear power in the public opinion speedWhen checking, wangjiang people used to buy washing powder. I can tell you, there is no such buying things. As far as I know, pengze County nuclear power polls conducted a total of four times. Investigation should be mentioned on the Internet in 2006. At that time, was made a few small gifts to the participants in the survey as a means of rewarding. Plenty of laundry detergent, some detergent, thereIs folding umbrella, value is about $ 20. Send a small gift-aided survey was implemented investigate widespread use of incentives. Regardless of whether you're filling, whether you support or oppose, there are rewards. Countries in the implementation of the Census when issuing Awards, right? I had to bring up survey results, on the construction of the nuclear power support rate is 96.99%. ThisMean, people still oppose, but people also get the washing powder and other incentives. I think this survey rewards to the hype too boring, as hoarders sinty wangjiang people. Wangjiang people with $ 20 can buy yet? Online, some say, see pengze workshop for nuclear power plants have been built on the other side. But in pengze County nuclear power has not been started, whichTo plant? If there is a nuclear power plant, we are accountable for a long time. We welcome discussion of public opinion in pengze County nuclear power, comment, there are different sounds, there are opposing views are quite normal, but want to be objective and fair. Cast of three generations of nuclear power is now under construction in nuclear power, Shandong Haiyang nuclear power is the most typical projects. , The project progress more smoothly. ThreeNuclear power safety to be two orders of magnitude higher than the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power. In addition to the construction of the second generation of nuclear power, a third generation nuclear power is the main route for future construction of nuclear power, as it turns out nuclear power itself is the result of technological progress, and improve the security of nuclear power continues to rely on technological progress, countries in this direction is very clear. News: nuclear power has not yet been approved, hydropower and environmental protection issues controversialCase, China should be how to solve their own electricity demand? Lu Qizhou: energy industries, especially power industry, the development of low-carbon and clean is a big trend. Issues that I do not want to do, but have to do problems, you cannot do a clean development, scientific development and sustainable development. Is holding two of the important points, that of traditional energy sources to clean, clean energyTo commercialization. Effect of thermal power for a long period of time is irreplaceable, which is China's primary energy resource endowment of the coal-rich lean less gas may determine. But power is still required further implementation of structural adjustment, long-term development goal is to its proportion of electricity machine in China from the current drops to around 70% around 50%. Last year, due to the thermal power long-term losses, ChinaThermal power investment has been down for some time. But if you are not going to engage in coal-fired power, so within two or three years it is easy to "soft-power shortage" becomes "hard power shortage". Although the coal and electricity price system has not straightened out, but up the power plant investment in China this year, it is seen above this point. Although thermal power loss, but the single must take social responsibility for protection of power supply,And the development of clean and efficient coal-fired power. China hydropower resources development is more than 50%, but it is still lower than the developed world hydropower resources development level of around 80%. By the end of last year, China's hydropower resources development at about 210 million kilowatts, about national hydropower resources in 400 million-kilowatt. Particularly in Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet, and other areas, there is still a lot ofThe development of space. Are among the burgeoning industry of wind power and photovoltaic power generation, both in starting the initial stage of industry there is no commercial operation, you also need Government subsidies. Government subsidies will be phased, through subsidies to the industry to start, activate, enable a variety of capital markets continued investment, the technology continues to improve. Clean energy cannot always rely on subsidiesLive. Had better be able to commercialization, to truly become an integral part of China's energy. Otherwise is like long-term renewable energy subsidies in Europe, once the Government's financial problems, related to new energy industry will be greater impact. Air ionization commercial operation has actually not far from now. Current average power cost of thermal power in China have been to 4 cents, while wind powerCosts have fallen more than 4 point, both very close. The problem with the current China's wind power is, too much emphasis on large-scale development, inadequate and distributed development. I think paying equal attention to development of centralized and distributed development. In response to the mass transportation of wind power, or low voltage through the effect on network issues, distributed development is more than centralized developmentEffective. Others:

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