Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 26-week - JFM

129771823085249810_41Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernake) provisions in a speech Tuesday to the gold standard and exchange rate policy has been attacked, and maintained the United States economic growth not angry tone that does not fire, he is not on the subsequent policies of the Federal Reserve gave no hint is still speculation in financial markets to get by. Currently on when and whether the Federal Reserve will expand the market easingScale there is a lot of suspicion.  In a recent meeting of the Federal Reserve, FOMC says United States bumpy economic recovery, Bernanke also expect the job market to continuing weakness. Due to market concerns about Spain's slow progress in strengthening financial situation, on Wednesday (March 21), Spain 10-year Treasury bond yields rose to a one-month high of 5.4%; likewise tera power leveling, 10Year Italy yields rose to 5% tera power leveling, create a one-week high. Market's worries are not groundless.  Spain reduced the Chek Lap Kok is dissatisfied with the slow progress has the EU, Italy Prime Minister regarding the implementation of reforms of the labour market challenges facing the same concerns. Spain's Central Bank (Bank of Spain), Tuesday (March 20Japan) released data showing, Spain in January, outstanding bad debt ratio of loans from commercial banks rose to 7.61% of last month, its highest level since August 1994. Total loan volume in the month shrank 3.2% low suggests that banks ' willingness to lend.  In the context of economic malaise tera gold, bad loans rise in rates or further. Portugal issues fromIs not easy.  While many officials have said that Portugal is not Greece II, Greece's case is unique, nor was repeated in other countries, but these comments are like "crying wolf", cannot be believed. Dollar index edged down this week, euro-dollar week rose 0.73%, 0.16% pound gain over the week against the US dollar, Australian dollarWeek or 1.17%. Next week (March 2012, 26-week), market focus may turn to Europe, Germany to announce economic data, Italy and Spain will be available at Treasury, and European Finance Ministers meeting.  Next week, Italy will be marked sold medium-and long-term bonds, to determine whether the second-tier countries of the eurozone concerns renewed basis. Barclays Capital in New YorkAbout Forex market strategist at Aroop Chatterjee said: "any of these bonds are likely to be pressured the euro confidence shaken. "The eurozone finance ministers will meet 30-31 day scheduled for this month, they will be at the meeting to determine whether to extend the eurozone permanent financial safety netYuan (US $ 658 billion) scale. Euro-zone Foreign Affairs officials said on March 23, euro-zone finance ministers in Copenhagen next week could total about 700 billion euros of bailout funds closer to agreeing, not more large expectations. Eurozone Rescue Fund to expand may help calm market, Portugal, and Italy and Spain there are still difficulties, euroAlso have a reliable firewall. Others:

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