Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera gold Central has threeYears on Midwest construction of low-rent housing for transfer payments

129777332229843750_164Abstract: history of the largest scale of supportability projects under construction, the Central Government began considering trying to possibilities of social capital into the development and construction of social housing sector.  Reporter learned that, in cities across the country to participate in the Green Group-affordable housing program is mainly the acquisition of social housing and urban renewal, eviction placement. The largest in the history of supportability engineeringConstruction of scale, the Central Government began considering trying to possibilities of social capital into the development and construction of social housing sector.  The 28th of this month, Vice-Minister of housing and urban-rural development held in Shanghai in the fourth China real estate development forum that are refined social capital investment in affordable housing development and construction of the relevant provisions. In early 2012, State CouncilLeading group for the affordable housing program in Beijing and the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, and the Xinjiang production and construction Corps sign "2012 social housing project of responsibility".  2012 year, affordable housing program will start over 7 million units, the completion of over 5 million units. According to the Department of housing and urban-rural construction estimates, 2012, building affordable housing programAbout at about 17 million units, for the historical peak, demand for money than in the past.  In this context, an attempt by the Central Government attempts to diversify sources of affordable housing finance, ensure that the tasks to be completed for the year. Affordable housing construction fund great pressure "35 issues tera power leveling, housing and social security coverage to reach 20%, that is,At least 5 0 0 0 population into the housing security system. "On March 28, Qi JI, Minister of housing real estate Forum on scientific development in China.  25 before this period, housing and social security coverage is only for 5% of the total population. At present, from the State Council's "Twelve-Five-stage housing security coverage reaches 20% "Targets there more than two years of time.  China real estate Science Forum, held on March 28, most of the participants to the reporter of the economic information daily said, in a very short period of time, take cover from 5% to 20%, task is extremely arduous. In early 2012, affordable housing program of the State Council leading group on coordination in NorthBeijing and the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, and the Xinjiang production and construction Corps sign "responsibility", requiring the starts for the year more than 7 million affordable housing program homes, the completion of over 5 million units.  Prior to that year, the State Council requires 10 million affordable housing program to be started during the year. Because of this, enormous amounts of money needs to be local politicalGovernment House have to face the pressure of.  Enforcing that tera gold, due to the large amount of affordable housing program started nearly two years, the task requires tight, some local authorities face in part on affordable housing construction and operation of sources of pressure. The end of 2011, Jiang Weixin, Minister of housing to the national people's Congress to accept thematic inquiries on affordable housing. In response to the national people's Congress asking, Said Jiang Weixin, 2011 2012 although the affordable housing program started task will be dropped, but due to "works of the previous year Carried Down", "has started the project during construction of major" and other reasons, the 2012 capital requirements will be more than the 2011 year of the affordable housing program. According to the Housing Department estimates, byAccording to the structure of all the calculated completion, 2 years built the full investment of about 10 million affordable housing units for 1.3 trillion dollars.  Jiang Weixin says 2012 year will exceed the 2011 year of funding needs tera gold, reflects the history's largest affordable housing under construction scale of funding pressures are very serious. Social capital trying to practice, from 2011Year, including Shaanxi, Hebei, have already begun to explore social capital in particular enterprise involved in affordable housing development and construction in the area.  In 2011, the Hebei province signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Vanke, China vanke to build affordable housing program in multiple cities in Hebei province, and in accordance with the agreements, repurchase by the Government. Intervention for social capitalAffordable housing development, Qi JI said, the Government encourages such diversified channels to try. However, a number of affordable housing construction in cooperation with local governments, the development of real estate development enterprise officials told reporters, is due to social capital investment in affordable housing development construction absence of unified requirements and unified and standardized operations model, enterprises involved in the protectionWhen a housing project, a certain degree of concern. Similar problems will be resolved gradually.  On March 28, Qi JI, said Housing Ministry is drafting detailed provisions about social capital investment in affordable housing program to ensure that social capital to successfully enter the field of development and construction of affordable housing, and a variety of attempts and exploration. Before that, Central has threeYears on Midwest construction of low-rent housing for transfer payments, lines of the transfer payments this year will hit a new high. In addition, the national development and Reform Commission has introduced policies, allowing contract affordable housing program in real estate development in large and medium-sized enterprises, through the issuance of corporate bonds, special to raise funds for construction of affordable housing.On the 2012 National Conference on housing and urban-rural construction system, said Jiang Weixin, Minister of housing, Central on behalf of local government bonds, local pilot areas of direct issuance of government bonds, bond funds raised will give priority to the construction of affordable housing program. At present, the national affordable housing category, and overall into purchaseAffordable housing and rental of subsidized housing. Social capital investment in the purchase area of affordable housing, usually consisting of dianzi construction of enterprises and then back through the Government on houses for sale, its pattern is clear. However, for public rental housing, consisting mainly of low-rent housing rental-affordable housing, because it cannot be sold, how social capital involved, and to ensure that investmentSecurity and profit in return, no clear pattern. Enterprises look forward for the Government to encourage the social position of capital investment in construction of affordable housing program, most enterprises agree very much. Green Group Chairman Zhang Yuliang told reporters that under the current regulation, real estate market competitive pressure is huge, and the affordable housing program as a Government-led, competitive pressureSmaller, ensures participation in the enterprise profit, so for the moment is a selection of real estate development enterprise. "Green groups in six cities across the country to participate in the construction and development of local affordable housing program, Shanghai also has two key projects in operation of the affordable housing program, we emphasize that it is completing affordable housing housing of high quality and technical standardsBuilding.  "Said Zhang Yuliang. Reporter learned that, in cities across the country to participate in the Green Group-affordable housing program is mainly the acquisition of social housing and urban renewal, eviction placement. Green groups have some representation in the country, China vanke signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hebei province, major way is built. Greentown group across the countryParticipation in the affordable housing program, dominated by urban renewal and purchase affordable housing. Zhang Yuliang admitted that because of leasing social housing companies and how social capital involved, there was no clear pattern and modus operandi, so this "is a problem." In his hope that the refining of the relevant provisions, for how social capital involved, such as public housing, affordable housing rentalDisabled room can have more specific regulations or guidelines. "In addition, hopes that the Government can step up its supervision, development and construction of social capital investment in affordable housing program, you should start from large and medium enterprises, to ensure that the quality of affordable housing program. "Zhang Yuliang stressed to reporters. 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