Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling investment judgment may need to identify events or data to support. - DCU

129773868994687500_15Macro-policies of the Boshi Fund Manager Wei Fengchun: cautious response to the market mood free www.cnfol.com March 27 tera gold, 2012 Fund net view comments last week, most interesting data is PMI indexes in Europe and China. Eurozone PMIExceeding expectationsAnd inflation is not far away. Liquidity demand, low inventories, geopolitical and economic and other factors supporting crude oil prices may remain high, and United States units link growth for four consecutive quarters of earnings growth of no less than unit labor output, and three or four quarters last year remains at a relatively high level. These shows, United States economic inflation-induced factors。 China's crude oil price increase has been conductive to daily price trend, even if the prices of pork and vegetables are still trending downward, but beware of inflation induced by other factors. Buzuweilv domestic funding in the short term. Low short-term interest rates in the money market, discount interest rates continue downward. Taking into account the end of March and April in the open market as a whole due amount, the lowerShort-term interest rate might come in a few weeks to maintain, and will drive the decline in long-term interest rates. Japan approved purchase of $ 65 billion bonds in China, Renminbi-denominated bonds will become the foreign reserve assets of the Government tera power leveling, which is a lot faster than we expected. Many people think that Yuan as reserve currency is still a long way, but now it seems as though only a layer of paper from the window. Also requiredIs mentioned, the Bank of China (601,988, market information tera power leveling, the major trading) industry will usher in a new round of funding flows. Financing can be an issue, and the convertible bond issue, can also reduce the dividend payment and other internal financing approaches. China Banking Regulatory Commission last week of Guiyang Bank IPO size by 2 billion, can be regarded as places of city commercial banks listed gate opening. Bank capital financing volumeSoil again, and reduction of dividend distribution will make investor gloom. From the specific investments, investor optimism about global economic growth is perhaps the main factors determining haven bonds and non-ferrous metal; precious metals prices are still hedging needs of support; or high oil prices can be maintained in a long time, chain oil investment topics of investmentMining, or even long-term layout. The a-share market half line after the breakdown should be cautious. Although there are technical anti-smoking requirements, but fear of market sentiment may be worrying. Next, market trends and industry advances may be more and returning to economic fundamentals, investment judgment may need to identify events or data to support. Others:

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