Saturday, April 14, 2012

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129779321225468750_29Li keqiang at the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference opening speech (full text) According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website message, Chinese Vice Premier Li keqiang, 2nd on the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 delivered a speech of the consensus to promote healthy and sustainable development in Asia. He pointed out that China is still the world's largest developing country, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development issues still outstanding, some of the prominent structural contradictions, needTo be solved step by step. Following is the full text: a consensus to promote healthy and sustainable development in Asia – the speech at the opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 People's Republic of China Vice Premier Li keqiang (April 2, 2012, Boao, China), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends: very glad to attend the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012,Meet with friends from around the world. We--the Boao meeting place, is a small fishing village known for more than 10 years ago, has now become can discuss the development strategy of platform in Asia. Boao is the rapid growth in China and Asia in the development of open, open it and change indicates that China's ties with Asia, Asia and the world. It can be said that in theBoao "exhibition in the world" and "absorb", is a base of the Boao Forum of Asia, the world, open platform. The background of this annual session of the Forum in order to change the world, seeking health and sustainable development in Asia, makes sense. Here, I wish, on behalf of the Chinese Government, held a warm congratulations to the annual meeting! Sincere welcome to all guests coming from afar!The world in Asia, Asia is also concerned about the world. This day and age, adjustments and changes in the international situation is undergoing profound and complex. We see that while the global economy showed signs of recovery, good signs of growth in some countries, but the profound impact of the international financial crisis has not yet been eliminated, Europe's sovereign-debt crisis continues to achieve full recovery of the world economy continues to be a long-termCourse of the difficulties and setbacks. At the same time, speed up the pace of economic restructuring in the world, a new round of technological change and innovation are bred, advancing economic globalization and regional integration in the twists and turns, deep adjustment of international political and economic order, becoming the importance of emerging economies. Following the Boao Forum was born from the Asian financial crisis. More than 10 years, the Asian countries in response to the increase in the riskTheir immunity, promote the healthy development of the economy in the adjustment changes. The international financial crisis, the Asian lead to recovery of the economy, showing good fundamentals. Currently, the Asian economy has accounted for more than 30% of the world, Asia's contribution to world economic growth rates of more than 30%. As the world's most concentrated areas of emerging economies in Asia, the advantage and development potentialA step show. Of course, overall lower levels of development in many countries of Asia, development gap between countries in the region is still very large, increasing restriction of resource and environment, area security and stability challenges, development of road is not flat, growing pains, no less. At the same time, economic growth in some countries and regions are also under downward, rising prices and increased pressure on employment issues. These need recognitionReally being treated. Asia's development, opportunities and challenges, hopes and difficulties with but opportunities than challenges, difficulties can be overcome. Looking back in history, Asian pregnant with more than one civilization, create brilliant. In modern times, the ordeal and challenges in Asia, growing in the struggle. Now, Asia was at a new starting point, self-improvement tera gold, the pioneering spirit of the Asian people areWork together to create a new rise of the world, to the future, moving towards modernization. Under the trend of adjustment and transformation of the world, we are willing to, together with the Asian countries, a consensus, to work together, meet challenges, overcome difficulties, to promote health and sustainable development in Asia. One is based on endogenous growth. This is the unique strengths of health and sustainable development in Asia and Asian openNew trends of economic development. Asia's population occupies about one of the world's 45%, the vast majority of countries are developing countries, unbalanced development both within and among countries, huge domestic market potential. Asia also has most of the world's labour force, has the largest contingent of engineers and researchers, human resources advantages. Continue to play to the comparative advantage, while participating in global competition,Exploring domestic market; while maintaining moderate investment growth, increasing factor input, consumption function into full play, play to the potential of science and technology progress and improving the quality of laborers, Asian economies are to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Second, adhering to the open. This is a necessary requirement to health and sustainable development in Asia. Asia's rapid economic growth in the past is in the openImplementation, future still need to adhere to the opening Asia further development, including open and open to the world. Open areas of policy, promote each other, learn from each other in the open, on lasting development in Asia is significant. States should enhance mutual trust, enhancing learning, promoting inclusive growth, maintain communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, actively dealing with climateChange, global challenges such as food and energy security, active participation in global governance structure and the adjustment and reform of the international financial system. At the same time, we welcome the participation of countries outside the region and play a constructive role in the process of development in Asia. This is good for promoting prosperity in Asia, to the promotion of emerging and developed economies and deepen cooperation, conducive to peace, stability and development in the world. To participate in thisGuests at the annual meeting of one-third from Europe and the United States, this is a reflection of a more open in Asia. Three is to achieve mutual benefit and win-win. This is the effective way of health and sustainable development in Asia. In recent years, deepening practical cooperation among Asian countries, South-East Asia tera power leveling, Central Asia, North-East Asia, the South Asian Association for regional cooperation, such as successful. At present, Asian regional trade in total trade of more thanOver 50%, get the dividends of development in cooperation with each other. Under the new situation, need for States to continue to strengthen consultation and cooperation to promote global trade and investment liberalization, facilitation, and opposing all forms of protectionism, upgrading transport, communications and energy infrastructure interconnections and network levels, deepening of regional and subregional cooperation, Asia and countries of the worldExhibition. Open in favour of cooperation, to the benefit, is the basis of mutual benefit and win-win way. Four is to promote unity and harmony. This is a strong support for health and sustainable development in Asia. System and mode of all Asian countries and diverse, ethnic and cultural diversity, solidarity, particularly important. Build an Asia of peace, unity, harmony, and needs to continue to carry forward the spirit of helping one another, joint response to the financial crisisEconomic risks and challenges, together to overcome the effects of major natural disasters, common solutions in the development of stage challenges; need to pay more attention to social fairness and justice in economic development, more help underdeveloped regions and disadvantaged groups, people share the fruits of development. Five are adhering to peaceful development. This is the cornerstone of health and sustainable development in Asia. Asia was able toThe development achievements of today, largely due to keep the overall situation of peace and stability. In the international system of economic globalization and the new States and Asia's prosperity and development, can only be achieved through peace and cooperation. Strategically considering relations with each other, seeking, seeking maximum convergence of interests, is where the fundamental and long-term interests of the parties. Whether it isLegacy of the past, or reality of differences and disputes, so long as the parties from maintaining friendly relations with each other and the overall situation of development, respect for history, follow the basic norms of international relations, is can be settled through dialogue and consultation and peace negotiations. This is a blessing for Asia, but of the world. Ladies and gentlemen! China is a member of the Asian family, economy in China and the Asian economic key does notCan be divided. Stick to all-round economic and social coordination in China Road of science for sustainable development, will also contribute to health and sustainable development in Asia. In recent years, China's economy continues to move in the expected direction of macroeconomic regulation and control to achieve steady and fast economic growth and continuous improvement of people's livelihood. China's economic fundamentals are good, development of the situation has not changed, conditional keep long-termStability and rapid development. We also recognize that China is still the world's largest developing country, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development issues still outstanding, some of the prominent structural contradictions, need to be solved step by step. At present, we will promote the development of science, call to speed up the transformation of mode of economic development, grasp the steady improvement in the overall tone, both based on the current, stable growth, controlPrices and promoting harmonious and look forward, in terms of structure, Hui Minsheng, grasp the reform progress, continues to promote comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of economy and society in China. Continue to promote China's economic and social development, accelerate the transformation is the key. Speeding up the transformation of the economic development of China is "Twelve-Five" the main line of development, is to go the main direction of the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, expandDomestic demand is the primary task of restructuring, and urbanization is the largest potential of domestic demand in China. Chinese population, vast territory and is at the stage of sustainable development of industrialization and urbanization. 50% urban population rate of just over a year ago, increase in 1% there are more than 10 million people from rural areas to cities and towns, to free the huge consumer and investment demand. At the same time,Rising levels of industrial development, promoting service industry to speed up development and to promote the specific gravity can be provided for the expansion of domestic demand, increasing employment of strong industry support; protect food safety, protection of the ecological environment, the development of modern agriculture, laying a solid material foundation for expanding domestic demand. In summary, coordination of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, implementation of "three" simultaneously, is the modern ChineseBy path, going, adjusting the structure, strategic initiatives for expanding domestic demand, will help push China on "Twelve-Five" and even more during a long period maintained moderate economic growth, constantly improving the quality and effectiveness of development. Continue to promote China's economic and social development, improving the livelihood of the people is the fundamental. We speed up restructuring, readjusting the structure, its fundamental purpose is to protect and improve people's livelihood. And protection andHelp to increase revenue, improve people's livelihood stimulate consumption and opening up markets, developing the economy and improving people's livelihood complement each other, can form a positive interaction. China's ongoing employment support, affordable housing-building, promotion of universal health care reform priorities, centralized in sheets are the major livelihood projects such as poverty, is also a major development project. Implementation of these projects, is committed toGuarantee people basic life, at the same time increase the income of low-income people, are all significant measures of adjusting income distribution. We will focus on improving living standards and quality, building a social security safety net, promoting Equalization of basic public services, encouraging employment business, efforts to achieve economic development and income growth, improving residents ' spending power, expanding domestic demand, modernConstruction of constantly moving forward, that all people share results and tangible benefit. Continue to promote China's economic and social development, innovation is the driving force. More than 30 years, China has made great achievements, after entering the new century took a major step in the modernization, reform and opening up. Face of love, profound changes in the country, breaking the shift system is not conducive to economic developmentObstacles also rely on reform and opening up. China's reform has entered a crucial stage. We will deepen the fiscal, financial, pricing tera gold, income distribution, enterprise reform, efforts to achieve a new breakthrough in key areas and crucial links, give better play to the basic role of market mechanism in the allocation of resources, promoting technical innovation, system innovation, management innovation, pay attention to the development of endogenousPower and intrinsic vitality. Expanding domestic demand in China is carried out under condition of opening up. We insist on the implementation of a more active strategy of opening up, export and import both and using foreign capital and foreign investment, has focused on expanding imports and promote the development of foreign trade balance, and strive to raise the level of opening-type economy development. China domestic foreign enterprises alike, is committed to building publicTransparent, open competitive, predictable market environment and the rule of law, increase the intensity of intellectual property protection, and promote the common development of all enterprises to innovation transition in the. Ladies and gentlemen! China's strategy of expansion on the Asian open as the opening to the key. At present, China is Asia's largest import market, is the largest trading partner of many Asian economies, is also a key Asian investmentSources, are substantial engagement with Asian countries in various fields. We are willing to, together with the countries concerned, continues to promote ASEAN-China, Japan, South Korea, in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea, APEC and other regional cooperation mechanisms, promoting the construction of bilateral and multilateral free trade, expanding in emerging industries, such as infrastructure, finance, science and technology cooperation; expanding cultural cooperation, especiallyYouth exchanges and civil exchanges, promote the cultural exchange and dialogue between civilizations, promote friendship among peoples. China unswervingly taking the road of peaceful development, and commitment to create a peaceful and harmonious international and surrounding environment, and will never seek hegemony. China's peaceful development based on national conditions and cultural traditions, based on their fundamental and long-term interests, based on the development of the world situation and the objective law, Is the strategic choice of our firm. Uphold the practice of good neighborly and friendly policy in China, making the Asian countries good neighbors, good partners, and we work together to promote prosperity and progress and harmonious development of Asia and the world. We believe that the vast Asian land was bound to provide broad space for development. Change the world, Asian people have the ability to grasp the opportunity,Walk hand in hand to achieve health and sustainable development in Asia and build a better future! Finally, I wish the success of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012! Good luck on distinguished guests, good health and a happy mood! Thank you! Others:

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