Monday, April 2, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling Is the ratio of Liaoning province will receive more than 300 million Yuan -

129770966770312500_194Bohai oil spill compensation fishermen finalizing distribution losses to verify end of April drop Yun Hwang Bohai oil spill compensation for fishermen's $ 1 billion will be what it was? Compensation allocation? The answer is a clear step by step. This paper has learned that, following the Ministry of Agriculture announced two months ago, all of China Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Kang-Philippine company") to 1 billion yuan of compensationFishermen after the loss, further assignment of liability has been broadly identified: Liaoning province will receive more than 300 million Yuan, Leting, Hebei province, Changli County will also receive more than 300 million Yuan respectively. Letingxian Qi Yuxiang, Deputy Director of the Fisheries Council on this newspaper confirmed that the information he received from superior departments, letingxian will receive more than 300 million. At present, letingxian a number of government departments are farmersFurther investigation and verification of loss, end of April are expected to end. At that time, all compensation to fishermen through the Government assigned to the hands of the fishermen affected by the loss. Qi Yuxiang said, after some investigation is completed, the Government at the county level, through programs such as escalation, fishermen's eventual compensation, the road is still very long. Turning point last June, Penglai, ConocoPhillips River 19-3 oilfield of b and c platforms has serious oil spills. On July 5, the State Oceanic Administration held a media briefing, known to the social spill-related situation diablo 3 power leveling, also said on behalf of the State to damages all recourse against the marine environment. In early August, two, State Oceanic Administration issued a notice and hold ConocoPhillips before August 31 to finish all oil spill source block, Clean finish platform seabed oil leak, and third-party assessment of the blocking effect evaluation report. ConocoPhillips to submit the assessment before the evaluation report, State Oceanic Administration so as to identify oil spills cause, comprehensively and seriously impact on accidents and losses of the survey and evaluation, joint Ministry of land and resources, State Oceanic Administration, the Environmental Protection Department, Ministry of transport, Ministry of agriculture,Safety supervision Bureau, the National Energy Board and six ministries, on the Bohai Sea oil spill accident investigation. On August 31, ConocoPhillips has submitted to the State Oceanic Administration assessment appraisal reports of thousands of pages, on September 2, consisting of seven ministries joint investigation group unanimously considered by oil spill accident, finds ConocoPhillips is not completed before August 31, State Oceanic Administration "two thorough"--the total rowCheck point, completely blocking oil spill oil spill risk sources, Penglai, and order the 19-3 oil field oilfield "three stops", that is, stop, stop drilling, cut off. At the same time, State Oceanic Administration on behalf of the national eco-claim for ConocoPhillips. After the oil spill occurred in the Bohai Sea, ConocoPhillips has been the lack of sincere cooperation attitude, has received "three stops" instruction on September 6 after, all at lastAnnounced that it would establish a Penglai 19-3 oil spill Fund, on September 18, ConocoPhillips announced plans to once again set up to deal specifically with environmental issues in the Bohai Bay Second Fund, "the first Fund is a Fund, Fund GEF II. "Beyond eco-compensation in addition to the official request, on December 30, 2011, the Tianjin maritime Court onExternal announced on 29 letingxian Hebei farmers sued all case filing. The Vice Premier Li Xiujie said in a media interview, 107 letingxian with other farmers prosecuted the case has entered the stage of case review. Li Xiujie says, "no unbelievers will never damage the rights and interests of the masses, are equal according to the law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. "201225th diablo 3 power leveling, according to Agriculture Department announcement, by the Executive after mediation, ConocoPhillips Company, oil company, Ministry of agriculture and the provinces concerned to reach agreements totalled $ 1.35 billion. Which, funded by ConocoPhillips $ 1 billion to address the districts and counties of Hebei province, Liaoning province culture biological and natural fisheries resources in the Bohai Sea and compensation for damages; all companies with CNOOC separately in Liechtenstein$ 100 million and $ 250 million, for natural restoration and conservation of fishery resources, fishery resources, environmental investigation and monitoring evaluation and research work. Department of agriculture administrative mediation results in total only $ 1.35 billion, last year, State Oceanic Administration has repeatedly claimed that recourse to the ConocoPhillips Company "are not capped on" compensation for damage to the marine environment. Ministry of agriculture after the announcement, there was questionAcoustic, but SOA sector are not neutral. Wondering who is a 107 Leting farmers sued the ConocoPhillips case plaintiff agents ad litem, lawyer Zhao Jingwei Department of agriculture bulletin referred to in the "administrative conciliation" confusion of aquaculture is the owner of livestock, a fisherman, the Ministry of agriculture to mediate, must be premised on fishermen agree to mediation, but his agent's RiverNorth Leting fishermen are not aware of the specific program. He thinks the current treatment plan in the legal framework is there a lot of questions. Zhao Jingwei believes that compensation calculated on the basis of allocation, compensation funds, the Ministry of agriculture and notices of CNOOC, ConocoPhillips Company did not specify the problems. In accordance with the relevant legal provisions, if the fishermen did not submit application for mediation, that is, do not agree to mediation, the mostResolve nor administrative mediation programmes to determine compensation amounts. On February 6, Zhao Jing comfort by phone, letter, requested the Ministry of agriculture information determine all $ 1 billion compensation for farmers, such as calculation basis, allocation of information. On March 20, Zhao Jingwei receiving official reply of the Ministry of agriculture. In the Ministry of agriculture in reply to Zhao Jingwei, the Ministry of agriculture said, at present, Hebei and Liaoning provincesLoss is stepping up efforts to carry out door-to-door investigations to verify work known to the public and will do well on the basis of, "to issue compensation compensation funds into the hands of farmers willing to accept mediation", for the progress of the investigation in two specific, Department of agriculture recommends to consult the local authorities. Livestock losses calculated on the basis of the question for Zhao Jingwei, reply of the Ministry of agriculture is, by fisheries, such as environmental protection and diseaseExperts, depending on the oil spill pollution monitoring, relevant local aquaculture statistics and production in recent years, assessment of the oil spill caused by loss of fish in some areas and then came to the result. In the reply of the Ministry of Agriculture did not say $ 1 billion compensation fund allocation, informed sources told this newspaper, on the distribution of compensation plan have been identified,Is the ratio of Liaoning province will receive more than 300 million Yuan, Leting, Hebei province, Changli County will also receive more than 300 million Yuan respectively. Letingxian Qi Yuxiang, Deputy Director of the Fisheries Council to this newspaper that the Leting County Government departments are currently on farmers further investigation and verification of loss, end of April are expected to end. At that time, all compensation to fishermen before final adoption of the township government departments issueTo the injured hands of fishermen. This newspaper also informed that after the Department of Agriculture published ConocoPhillips was compensation announcement, originally placed 29 letingxian farmers bring a change in all cases, Tianjin maritime Court lawyer on the case, said farmers, court takes a long, risky, two proposed withdrawing tera power leveling, head of the Court, "go back to find a local politicalGovernment House, accept mediation ". Zhao Jingwei also said that currently he is responsible for progress is a case of complaint of ConocoPhillips, court ruling placing or ruling is not placed. (Editors: Qian Zhang) Others:

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