Monday, February 9, 2009

Stealth of darkfall power leveling

Stealth of darkfall power leveling

Almost all MMORPGs implement the concept of player stealth by allowing players/NPCs to become pseudo-magically "invisible", thereby permitting stealthy movement,
and surprise attacks. Typically, this "pseudo-invisibility" skill is a fundamental game mechanic that provides the core functionality and/or defining trait of a
limited number of player classes.
In Darkfall, stealth is accomplished by playing stealthily, employing real-world stealth techniques such as moving in darkness/shadow, employing camouflage,
walking silently, and using world objects as cover; that is, stealth is not "auto-magical", and not restricted to any particular class or subset of players [31].
Since Darkfall is a class-less MMORPG, any player is able to acquire the various stealth-enhancing skills and to follow a stealthy playstyle.
This feature of "true stealth" also comes with semi-realistic limitations - wearing heavy metallic armour emits audible clinking sounds, and reflects light, and
moving more slowly decreases the volume of footsteps. True stealth in Darkfall is also made possible through the deliberate lack of "player radar" and use of
first-person perspective for ranged combat and general movement, combined with realistic, dynamic weather and day/night cycle.

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