Sunday, June 10, 2012

table user not to increase the price of the programme of the hearing wow power leveling table user

129823520753750000_478Sichuan ladder price hearing representatives called on the price to 200 degrees Suggested that residents of the temporary table is not in price, so as to promote electric power enterprise initiative to speed up the "one table" reconstruction of the new programme will be submitted to the provincial government and the national development and Reform Commission, is expected to begin before the end of June at 9 o'clock yesterday, my ladder price hearing residential electricity consumption in place in wangjiang Hotel Chengdu. First month charge to 200 degrees, level taking into account seasonal waveDynamic, combined form user will not increase the price sth 23 hearing on behalf of the are recommendations focus mainly on pricing starting on standard ladder. Except 10 representatives of consumers, there are 13 others from operators, stakeholders, NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members, the relevant government departments and social organizations. This time the programme for hearing in our province: monthly charge is divided into three grades, the first document 170 degrees, 0.5224 Yuan/degree; document 171-240 II, 0.6224/; third gear 241 degrees and above, $ 0.8224/. New programme after the hearing yesterday, the next step will be submitted to the provincial government and the national development and Reform Commission, is expected to be held before the end of June this year formally implemented. Represents the focus focus: the proposed is too low the first document to200 degrees "2011 $ 17,899 per capita disposable income of urban residents in Sichuan, Jiangsu is $ 26,741, Shanghai $ 36,230. But the first month of the Sichuan power only 170 degrees, lower than that of several municipalities TERA CD-key, more low price in high income areas, low-income areas a lot more high electricity prices, this is reasonable. "On behalf of hearing, lawyer of ChengduChi believes that used hydropower in Sichuan, belonging to the cleaner source of energy, Shanghai, Jiangsu, is thermal power, energy consumption and pollution, so to be more restricted area of high contamination and high attrition is reasonable. From the perspective of electricity distribution, Eastern electricity gap, should urge the eastern electricity saving. Therefore, the Western region, including Sichuan, and its first power threshold should not be lower thanThe eastern part. Ladder price new programmes should protect the interests of vulnerable groups, to energy-saving and paying for more purposes. Should I reference standards from Beijing to Shanghai, line or integration of Sichuan, Chongqing, Chongqing, power 170 first month of above 200 degrees. "Most of our area are low-income people, because no money to pay the gas installation fees, more electricity. By visiting investigation, mass GeneralThink power 170 first month enough, 200 more reasonable. "Hearing representatives, community leaders said Wang Shili in neijiang city. Ting Chen thinks hearing on behalf of hi-tech district, Chengdu residents, according to the current programme of the hearing, monthly household spending would rise within the power consumption of 130, monthly power consumption of 130 to 260 degrees of household spending will fall, monthly electricity consumption of 260Household spending rises above. Instead increased the burdens of the masses of low-income, low-power consumption, energy-saving spirit does not meet. In the hearing, most of the hearing on behalf of think power 170 first month is too low, have proposals to 200 degrees. Focus II: distinction between seasonal summer and winter increase the standard hearing representative Li Zhengguo believes that Sichuan, four distinct seasons, and no central heating facilities, summerConsumption of residents in high-temperature cold winter season cause much more than usual, could easily over power 170 first month threshold. He suggested that the electricity pricing programme should take into account seasonal factors in Sichuan province, Dong Xia two relaxing power standards. "Big is hydropower in Sichuan province, summer rainy periods outside the restaurant sold large amounts of electric power. At this point, more seasonal increases in the level. "On behalf of hearing, GuangyuanMunicipal people's political Consultative Conference Standing Committee member Zhang Wenyuan said Dong Xia 170 degrees in the two quarter significantly enough, should be relaxed to 240 degrees. This standard, is a reference to Shanghai Beijing 230 260 degrees, the first monthly charge. "In addition to taking care of policy holders, and other needy people, the vast majority of members of the public are all sandwich layers, salaried, power consumption comparison embarrassment. "On behalf of hearing, head of corporate training in ChengduLiao bingxiong Rainbow recommendations may refer to the Beijing Programme in Sichuan province, in years clearing power, people of Dong Xia two more electricity, spring and autumn seasons and less power consumption, achieve lower power overall, with less effects for the whole year. Focus three: table user not to increase the price of the programme of the hearing, I province-residential users, the current per unit $ 0.5224 plus on the basis of the national provisions2.4, electricity price rises to $ 0.5464. In this regard, on behalf of hearing, deputies said Zhang Ruixue, Sichuan is not installed a large number of residents of a table, most of these tables the user in the old district of residence, quarters TERA Power Leveling, many of which are low-income needy people. She suggested that the residents of the temporary table is not in price, so as to promote electric power enterprise initiative to speed up"A table" improvement. After the renovation is complete, ladder according to uniform price to charge again. Provincial electric power company should establish a special fund in the province as soon as possible "a table" transformation. Official explanation demonstration programmes, or provincial development and Reform Commission hearing again introduced price ladder price energy-saving emission reduction standards and based on significant provincial development and Reform Commission on: 2006Sichuan first pilot ladder price of residents in the national programme, the current price, divided into four grades. First power primarily low-income families, monthly consumption below 60 degrees, per unit $ 0.4724, maintained at the 2002 price level of Province residents. Second monthly consumed quantity of 61-100, per unit $ 0.5524; third monthly consumed quantity 101-150, per unit $ 0.5824; four-month electricity consumption more than 150 degrees, $ 0.6324 per unit. At the same time, install time meter for meter "one table" residential users, implementing Valley (7:00 23:00-next day) preferential policies for prices to fall. High water period (June-October) of low price per unit$ 0.151 implementation, dry, flat water (November-May the following year) of low price per unit executed in 0.2295. Residents of table user $ 0.5224 per unit. After the pilot ladder price of residents in Sichuan, residents ' consumption with an average annual growth rate of only 10.8%, before executing the price ladder 3.04% wow power leveling, energy-saving emission reduction results. FireElectricity tariff increase in 1 hair since 2006, power generation with coal prices significantly rise I coal-fired units, total tariff per unit increased 1. In recent years, the tariff adjustment is borne by businesses, residents user electricity price is not adjusted in our province. To facilitate purchase of thermal power plant electricity price increase added electricity, according to the national development and reformRequirements of various users in Sichuan power grid electricity prices per unit shall be the price of 2.4. Other categories of electricity prices has been revised in December 2011, residential electricity price adjustments have not synchronized. This time the residents of national development and Reform Commission, a unified deployment step. Authentication Center authentication by the Sichuan provincial prices, direct supply area in Sichuan power grid "one table" residential users, covering 80% Average monthly power and 95% residents of respectively 100 and 190 degrees. Therefore, residents stepped in my first charge of electricity price is set at 170 degrees, user 93.6% coverage, more countries meet the basic needs of life under cover by 13.6%; the second power increase to 240 degrees, user coverage of 97.5%,Also above the State provided to meet the reasonable demand of normal coverage. Resident price determination principle: first price in the new scheme I residents in existing table user price level. The second document, the national development and Reform Commission provided $ 0.05 per unit price not lower than, I determine the per unit price $ 0.1 in, still lower than current user electricity price the range 1. The third document, countryDevelopment and Reform Commission provides per unit price $ 0.3 per cent, electricity price increases the standard of our province as per unit of $ 0.3. After the hearing ended, solemn commitment of Heads of provincial development and Reform Commission, to review the existing programmes, demonstration, and fully absorb the reasonable demands of the delegates, on this basis, formation of new programmes, and reported to the provincial government and the national development and Reform Commission approval. The official said, Not excluding the hearings may be held again. Programme of the hearing (a) "a table" users for direct supply area in Sichuan power grid "one table" residential electricity consumption of urban and rural households, its monthly consumed quantity consists of four grades for three grades, first power from 60 up to 170 degrees, 0.5224 Yuan/degree; document 171-240 II, 0.6224/; Third gear 241 degrees and above, $ 0.8224/. Continue to keep my install time meter meter "one table" resident user Valley electricity price discount, low electricity prices per unit of electricity on the basis of current prices plus 2.4 points set by the State. High water period (June-October) of low price by $ 0.175 per unit implementation, Dry, flat water (November-May the following year) low price of $ 0.2535 implementation. (B) tables resident users per unit at the current price of $ 0.5224 on the basis, according to the regulations of the State plus 2.4, performed on a 0.5464 basis. (C) urban and rural "policy holders" and rural "five guarantees family taken care of by the people ' s communes in five ways" on the family set of 10 per month per householdCost base, 5.224 subsidies per household per month. Implementation of "first received and then back to" approach, each installed in a half a year, assisted by civil affairs departments at the county level power supply enterprises, through the "policy holders" and "five guarantees family taken care of by the people ' s communes in five ways," the Bank opened a special account for payment. Overall, the new programme on "a table" residential users, reduce electricity charges have increased, adjustmentSmaller. Town and country "policy holders", rural "five guarantees family taken care of by the people ' s communes in five ways" and monthly electricity consumption in the residential users between 130 to 260 degrees electricity charges decrease monthly electricity consumption more than 261 degrees rise in monthly electricity charges residential users. Further reading ladder price in the national implementation of the 2006 year, Sichuan, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces in the country first to pilot ladderElectricity prices. In accordance with the overall arrangement, beginning this year, step electricity price will be fully operational at the national level. As of now, there are 19 provinces and cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi hearings. Others:

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