Thursday, June 28, 2012

real estate industry and constant pattern has been formed for hegemony

129823520781093750_536Listed prices weakened profitability China real estate Association, China Association for real estate and real estate Evaluation Center of China jointly issued a few days ago of the 2012 evaluation report of listed real estate companies in China, reports listed housing and Enterprise profitability weakened significantly last year, listed real estate business House and enterprise revenue value of 5.591 billion yuan, up slightly by 2.49% per cent, but gains a 56% per cent reduction; Operating profit value of $ 1.556 billion, down 3.9%. In addition, the listed total assets of rate of return on equity prices, profitability index decline than in previous years. Ability to resist risks view my site here, due to the short-term loans, increase in non-current liabilities due within one year and substantial decreases in operating cash flow official site, most enterprise level of debt to asset ratio at a high level, short-term debt-paying abilityDecreased public housing enterprise financial risks are dramatically increased. According to industry, China's real estate market entered a period of adjustment of depth, market uncertainty increased, accompanied by the increase in the degree of competition in the industry, the increased pressure of tight financing, inventory, from different levels of risk are testing the survival and development ability of listed real estate companies. Published listing of enterprisesTop display, a share of branches of evergrande real estate and Hong Kong stocks continued to lead the list, won the champion, the second place at Palace examinations respectively, plus sea followed by poly real estate and real estate, real estate industry and constant pattern has been formed for hegemony, the new "champion" of the industry position has stabilised. In 2011, the listed enterprises in particular impact market regulation policy of Shanghai and Shenzhen-listed more clearly. RowTop ten listing of enterprises, 3 a-share listing and enterprises, listed enterprises in Hong Kong 7. Listed enterprises in Hong Kong and listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen enterprises in operational scale, the gap widened further, 2011 House enterprise enterprise in Hong Kong with total assets value of 54.779 billion yuan, an increase of 25.77%; total assets were listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen and enterprise value of 16.753 billion, andCompared to the previous year only 8.67%; income, 2011 Hong Kong-listed value in both housing and Enterprise revenues reached 11.565 billion yuan, is listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Enterprise revenues were $ 3.369 billion worth of 3.4 times.

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