Saturday, February 25, 2012

cheap runescape items health services and Chinese medicine sector rose behind - QQT

129742938907343750_234Views: pharmaceutical, biotechnology stocks quotes in real time market last week in review: chemical raw materials sector alone in 2012 the sixth week (February 13), pharmaceutical, biotechnology industry index rising 5 weeks in a row, or 2.67%. CSI 300 index over the same period decreased by 0.28% cheap runescape items, small rose 2.96%, rightShares of stagnation rs items for sale, small stocks active outburst.   Recent price stimulus vitamins, antibiotics, chemical raw materials sector alone, a week's growth of 4.1%, remaining fine rose makes little difference, health services and Chinese medicine sector rose behind, rose and 2.17%, respectively. More pharmaceutical industry rumors last week, such as the Ministry of CommerceExplore the possibility completely stripped the hospital pharmacy, the interim measures for the management of drug circulation prices possible during the year.   Once implementation of these policies will have a greater impact on long-term patterns in medical industry. Price data interpretation of Chinese herbal medicines: nourishing, cold type medicines promoting traditional Chinese medicine price index for 108.67 rebound in January, Chengdu, China, last month rose 1 runescape items for sale, Rebounded for two consecutive months.   Is in the winter, nourishing and influenza related to demand-driven variety increases, so as to promote the traditional Chinese medicine price index rebound.   Market Outlook: boosters of good performance or sustained recovery of medical and biological indices starting from the January lows, rebounded 5 weeks in a row, 11.8% per cent. Fine molecules in the industry,Fundamentals of relatively good medical device stocks outstanding. After fill up needs to be disposed, booster of outstanding achievement or sustained recovery. Others:

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