Thursday, May 17, 2012

allied with other guilds using before TERA Gold allied with other guilds using before - OAKL

129809647203336250_437Legend is an Internet-based network of online role playing game (RPG). In this game, the plot of all values, experience and a variety of activities such as hunting, mining was achieved on the network. Legend in order to give the player a real-world sense, the game includes day, night, trade, commodities, and other concepts. In the gameBy mining, hunting, and other currencies, using these currencies to trade. The entire game is a place full of magic, with Oriental flavour of great adventure online game. The elegant magazine since its inception (03-open f), modify the standard has been dominated by players, has drawn numerous lovers of elegant magazine experience, listening to a wideRecommendations of the big players, after several major and minor revision, has matured, and we've been in a spirit of equitable principles to the construction of the elegant, time-space, eliminate the equipment made by the game administrator, rank-shifting and other serious incidents occurred. We will, as always, to carry on in the future, the player's interests in the first place, fair to maintain order in the game, the Ethereal magazineBetter development. Game background there was all sorts of creatures live in the mysterious Mary method of the Mainland. Human power is so weak, in this great land was forced to establish various organizations in order to resist those with supernatural beasts and monsters. However, after some time, a mysterious race of distribution of forces changed the continent, They quickly learn a variety of abilities, quickly made a remarkable ability, took up leadership of the continent. This race has taught people to use fire and other survival ability. When humans learned these skills later, those living in terror and began to attempt to establish a civilization of human beings in the threat environment. In the mysterious race of mankind to helpTo begin their long and distant territorial expansions and civilization is built. Finally they managed to create a huge country. According to the legend this civilization at that time already had a civilization beyond our imagination and ability, but later in a large explosion, this civilization disappeared. No one knows details about the big bang, no trace can be foundFind the relevant information, and that help the mysterious race of humans as the explosion also disappeared into thin air. The rest of the survivors and their descendants started to rebuild their civilization, they even look forward to build a civil society that is exactly equivalent to the previous, but this lengthy process is so difficult, because almost no one can remember those days, Resource shortages and lack of knowledge has serious impact the rebuilding of civilization. Since then, humans began a long stage of development, at this stage in the process, several major cities gradually. Although on those days and the mysterious race of legends seems vague, but humans have not given up on the last of the reverence they from generation to generation of the famousThe extreme age of civilization, legend of the eternal will to stay. Tripartite balance of the relative stability of the time of the three kingdoms, an unthinkable thing happened. That's ear and half-orc race developed. Different from other social animals, ear, national societies has created a very large and very quickly developed their own skillsTo use any of the tools in the form of skill. They have very high intelligence, develop a clear and orderly social hierarchy. Half-orcs in the ear is better in every way, including skills, intelligence and social organization, but they created a remarkable energy. They were cut off from outside the limits of nature, until humans use aggressive techniques to break the boundaries of large-scale conflict finallyHas occurred. Because people are just relying on past memories and experiences, simple beast of judgment, thinking that they are just lower animals. A systematic large-scale attack in this, humans have been fatal fiasco. After the game was defeated for the first time, human constant in the various battlefield defeat. Monarch so central to stop the infighting, United, UnitedPeople for animals. They eventually succeeded in expelling the ears and half-orcs, recapture of lost territory. But because of the large power losses in the army had time to rebuild before the invasion of the animal people to protect against new, mankind has lost a lot of lives and property. At the same time, people for animals to live deliberately planned aggression, to expand their territory. Humans are subjected to hundreds of thousands of times a yearEars and half-orc beast attack, experienced a great loss. However, no civil war has not focused on defense and the maintenance of all the resource and energy savings. However, the focus on accumulation of such resources is occurring for the first time in war with half-orc. Opposite of the ear, half-orcs live in Ma law East of the Mainland, where they are very powerful, so often crossed the border of the dressed carcassKill many innocent people. In this case, the State had to Union of the three countries, and half-orcs have a great decisive battle, in a decisive battle, half-orc lose again. Early in the war, because of the power of half-orcs large infinite, mankind has suffered many failures, but later discovered a half-orc's fatal weakness--they have very low IQ, but intuitivelyAction, the great race just rely on a variety of outrageous tactics has been successful. Gathering of the Union against the half-orc point, occupied the main base, the establishment of a border outpost, completely levelled the half orcs and other residues and one of his people. Human soldiers ' morale high, because they think that after you clean the animal people can go home. Mary method however in the eastern part of the continent of a suddenEarthquake disrupts the whole campaign process. This disaster has changed the shape of the continent, forming huge mountains, Allied victory hopes to become a mirage. People who fled the land deformation of sudden disaster come at all because they cannot cross over mountains. Instead, most of the people were stone and mud run and lost their lives. They soonArranged by fate, the city chose to rebuild a new. Lucky is that new materials and tools can be easily used to build new cities, many women are left in the military strength of the Hagen na, wait until the children are grown up, when they once again invested in Beast Wars. The new generation was named as the capital of their "beach". When they use 20Years to complete construction, rehabilitation of villages and the capital was quiet after the peace, new problems. -Max of being deported to remote areas and people of other races and one of his have appeared again. Lucky was unfortunately, they are only occasionally in various scattered attacks and does not form a serious threat to mankind. However terrible fact is, where humans cannot touch human openBegan being hidden from animal slaughter. Since then Diablo 3 gold, four generations in 120 years to drive away mob for a long uphill battle. However, with strong ability to reproduce, beast and people's growing influence, gradually changing the situation in defense, and aggressive attitude. Felt fear and threats from the environment, people realize that, relying on its own strength, they cannot protect themselves;So they decided to seek help from their old country. Put a lot of manpower search every corner of those mountains, Max tribe has been found in caves are authentic Rift CD-key, can lead to on the other side of the mountain. Because you can get help, they sent someone to pass information with rush of euphoria, but pass information to those who died in the way because in the cave, there is a veryAnd the energy is very powerful beast. Animal threats continue to increase, however when their time has not allowed to fail. Humans started to call around a hero to cross the mountains, at the same time, many young man volunteered to complete the great task. This Mission Beach town is the fate must depend on the ability and the courage of the heroes to aThey had never visited the place. There were six men and women, they began to prepare for Mary on the Mainland by writing new page in the history of the hero. But no one can know that what is the road of no return, also wonder if this adventure is kind of a the end. Game play left key controls basic actions: walk TERA Gold, attack, pick up items, and other things. RightKey near click to convert, click on the map in the distance running. Left Shift key forces attack. Left Ctrl to run. Right Ctrl button to view each other's information. Alt right-made meats, maggot eggs, man-eating leaves and other things. Click the station on the ground, and then clickYou can get items. Double-click, double-click items in the package, you may use this article. 2, the shortcut key F10 to open/close the roles window. F9 to open the packages window on/off. F11 to open roles, status window on/off. Alt x small back again to start the game (when the role is especially useful after the death). CtrlH changes his attack pattern. Peace attack patterns: in addition to the mob attack has no effect other than. Guild attack patterns: invalid attacks on other players within their Guild. Group attack patterns: invalid player attacks in the same group. All patterns: on the effect of all the players and mobs have attacked. Attack patterns of good and evil: PK RedSpecial attack modes. Pause Break game screenshot, screenshot IMAGE format will be automatically saved in directory of legend. F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8 shortcut key set by the players themselves, the Magic skill sets of shortcuts can speed up the game of operation and smooth,For example, fireball, settings for the heal spell. Players command/player name and specify the player say whisper, no distance limitations. Also use the left mouse button click on the player's name in the chat window that whispers.! text speak to everyone (text displayed in yellow, leaving only 10 seconds), shouting out, the text color is yellow.!! Text teamSituation, information is issued by other players in the team saw.!~ transmission of text messages is the same Guild players see only, the text color is green. @ Refuse private chat to private chat and all. Re-login again or use a command, this feature was released. @ Rejected names refused to private chat with specified player. Then use a command, The function is discharged. @ Refuse guild chat to other players in the same Guild's message. Then using a command, this feature was released. @ Exit door from their Guild. @ Joined the Sect allows command to join guilds, membership must be used. Up, down arrow using the up and down arrow keys, you can see the past chat transcripts.@ Partner if you are married, use this command to find love. @Move transfer command. Need to tie in with the transmit ring. Example: @move 330 330@ denied shouting out shield shouting out display. Repeated input convertible the shouting out @ refused to allow transactions deals switch, repeats allowed. @ Detection names combined with detectionNecklace, probed persons in this map, this person coordinates may be displayed. @ Reject heaven and Earth heaven and Earth in one allow switches. Repeat converting between input can allow/deny. @ Heaven and Earth if you are the captain, all of this group may be transferred to this place. Be used with memories of a. @ Allowed Union Guild commands, allied with other guilds using before,Repeated input can be converted to reject Union. @ Sabac Gate City of Sabac main command, you can remotely control the opening and closing of gates, Sabac. Gold member set "Gold member set" "senior members set" "ordinary member set" "special equipment" Gold member set (Warrior) 15-35 spot Royal Gold helmet defense 12-26 magic attack 5-8 2-7 road 2-7 20% attack 9-16 magic cent gold collar of magic from the road of 9-15 gold armor defense cent spot Royal Mace 23-49 attack cent Gold 5 speed 2 attack exactly 36-75 Gold Glove exactly agile 4 3 attack 4-13Magic 40% 4-12 road 4-12 gold ring with poison from the poison 7-19 recovery 40% attack 6-20 magic cent road wear grade 48 Gold member set (Mage) spot Royal Gold helmet defense 15-35 12-26 attack 2-7 gold collar with magic 5-8 magic cent road escape 20% attack cent defense 15-60 spell 6-15 9-15 with gold robe spot Royal 45-79 magic cent accurate 4 attack speed 1 Golden month attacking 27-42 magic cent Gold Glove exactly agile 4 attack 3 4-12 gold ring with 4-13 magic cent road poisonEscape 40% poisoning recovery 40% attack cent magic cent road in 7-19 wear grade 48 Gold member set (priests) spot Royal Gold helmet defense 15-35 12-26 attack 2-7 gold collar with magic 5-8 magic cent road from 20% attack cent magic 9 6-15 road surgery-15 Gold road clothing spot Royal defense 20-65 23-59 road 4-9 gold sword with an accurate speed 1 7 attack attack 31-60 39-70 Golden Gloves with accurate and agile 4 3 4-12 gold ring with poison attacks 4-13 magic cent road from 40% poisoning recovery cent Others:

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